
Need a reference Y35BCL.elf for QEMU testing

peterdelevoryas opened this issue · 2 comments

For QEMU testing, it would be great if there was a public reference image to test against, so that people don't have to build images themselves. I built an image and created a release in my fork, if you just add this to the release assets for the 2022.13.01 release I think it would be more official than linking to my forked repo.


Output from upstream qemu:

$ ./build/qemu-system-arm -machine ast1030-evb -kernel Y35BCL.elf -serial mon:stdio -display none
[00:00:00.004,000] <inf> usb_dc_aspeed: select ep[0x81] as IN endpoint
[00:00:00.005,000] <inf> usb_dc_aspeed: select ep[0x82] as IN endpoint
[00:00:00.005,000] <wrn> usb_dc_aspeed: pre-selected ep[0x1] as IN endpoint
[00:00:00.005,000] <wrn> usb_dc_aspeed: pre-selected ep[0x2] as IN endpoint
[00:00:00.005,000] <inf> usb_dc_aspeed: select ep[0x3] as OUT endpoint
*** Booting Zephyr OS build v00.01.04  ***
Hello, wellcome to yv35 craterlake 2022.13.1

uart:~$ Failed to read expansion present from CPLD
I2C 0 master write retry reach max
Failed to set class type to CPLD)
Failed to read board ID from CPLD
BIC class type(class-1), 1ou present status(0), 2ou present status(0), board revision(0xf)
Not found change threshold sensor
Not found change threshold sensor
Not found change threshold sensor
Not found change threshold sensor
Not found change threshold sensor
Not found change threshold sensor
Not found change threshold sensor

Also need a Y35BBB.elf too, if we want to include a baseboard machine type. https://github.com/peterdelevoryas/OpenBIC/releases/tag/oby35-bb-2022.13.01