
Xcode11 error: module importing failed: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'

ceekay1991 opened this issue ยท 13 comments

error: 'pviews' is not a valid command.
error: module importing failed: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print('Whoops! You are missing the <' + arg.argName + '> argument.')? (fblldb.py, line 98)
File "temp.py", line 1, in

I experience the same error message when running with Xcode 11.
This is a duplicate of #262 - Xcode 11 uses Python 3 - that's way we see that Python error.

spnkr commented

you're using python 3, which doesn't work with chisel. the python binary xcode 11 uses is here fwiw: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework

to fix it do 2 things:

  1. use python2 (#262)
defaults write com.apple.dt.lldb DefaultPythonVersion 2
  1. then check out this branch https://github.com/facebook/chisel/tree/FBPrintCoreAnimationTree-cleanup - there were errors w/ xcode 11 and python2 and FBPrintCoreAnimationTree

I still get a few error messages, but most of the chisel commands now work.

cd ~/Downloads && git clone https://github.com/chenjiangchuan/chisel.git && cd chisel &&cp -f -R -v libexec /usr/local/Cellar/chisel/1.8.1
I use this , my chisel work.

Should be fixed with #266!

Use brew install chisel (1.8.1) not work, because merge #266! not update to brew repo. So I download master code to fix this issue.

Still seeing this issue with Chisel 1.8.1. Any chance we can get the brew repo updated with the changes from #266 ? Been using Chisel for many years and I love it. Thanks for all your hard work!

Still seeing this with 1.8.1.

hvsw commented

Same issue here


Same issue

Sorry folks, I've been a neglectful maintainer!

Should be good to go now with a brew upgrade. Let us know if there are any issues!

cd ~/Downloads && git clone https://github.com/chenjiangchuan/chisel.git && cd chisel &&cp -f -R -v libexec /usr/local/Cellar/chisel/1.8.1
I use this , my chisel work.

worked for me, thanks