
Why my Flipper react native ( unsupported )

Kavinduweb opened this issue ยท 5 comments

๐Ÿ› Bug Report

Screen Shot 2024-02-29 at 05 46 47](https://i.ibb.co/FWTKM6t/Screen-Shot-2024-02-29-at-05-46-47.png)

why this fbflipper like that. ( unsuported ) ?

Same title I am also getting "Flipper (0.239.0) unsupported".

And in my network section api request are not showing, anyone have the solution?

Hi @Kavinduweb I have seen the Flipper title issue, what I guess is that in new version of react native we will get a whole new debugger from facebook maybe that why they have deprecated flipper and unsupported is coming in title . Till the new debugger arrive we will see the flipper with unsupported title only.

They had stopped building standalone apps since 0.239, that's why it says "Unsupported". You can see in release tab, current release is 0.249, but there is no Flipper-mac.dmg or Flipper-win.zip to download. The announcement is at top of README, not so hard to find

Does anyone know if there any known plans to continue React-Native development debugging support? I assume that it is only a matter of time before v0.239 and related plugins become obsolete.