
Question: How to resolve "Application disconnected"?

Janinette opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello! A couple of weeks ago, I wanted to create an app for fun and I thought of using React Native, Expo and a SQLite database. I also wanted to be able to see my database in real time and I found Flipper. To learn how to use all these tools, I started by a simple Todo App project with React Native and a SQLite databse only and I was perfectly able to see all the changes operate in my database it was great! But when I created my app with Expo this time and launched it I wasn't able to see my database in real time because the app got disconnected...

I added all the dependency required, created and launched a build development so I don't understand how this happen. I search on google but all the issues only talk about "Application not found" and not "Application disconnected".

Also, I launch the app on a real device, a Samsung phone that have all the developper options required enable, or I guess so haha. And what's really weird is that when I execute npx expo start --dev-client Flipper detect my app and I can see that my database is created but as soon as I open the app on my device, Flipper switch to "Application disconnected".

Does someone know why? Is it possible to see a SQLite databse from an Expo project in real time in Flipper?

that's not a bug, that's a feature from Flipper