Higher order type parameter support
xiaoxiangmoe opened this issue · 1 comments
xiaoxiangmoe commented
As we known, we can write higher order function in js
const makeTuple = x => y => [x, y]
Can we provide something like this in type level?
// define
type MakeTupleType <T> <U> = [T, U]
// use it
type MyTupleType = MakeTupleType<number><string>
// or some thing like
type MyTupleType1 = MakeTupleType<number>
type MyTupleType2 = MakeTupleType1<string>
// define
const makeMyTupleFunction = <T> <U> (x: T, y: U) => [x, y]
// use it
const makeMyNumberStringTuple = makeMyTupleFunction<number><string>
const myTuple = makeMyTupleFunction(1, '')
// or some thing like
const makeMyNumberAnyTuple = makeMyTupleFunction<number>
const myTuple = makeMyTupleFunction<string>(1, '')
SamChou19815 commented
Are there more concrete use cases other than these toy examples? Is there any important framework code that can be property typed, but will be otherwise impossible to declare its type without this feature?