
React.ElementType not working for children

neutraali opened this issue · 1 comments

( Sorry if the label was wrong! )

Using the following example code:

type Props = {
    text: React.ElementType

component Component(props: Props) {
    return <span>{props.text}</span>;

Try-Flow link

...I'm running into the following error:

Cannot create `span` element because in property `children`: [incompatible-type] Either AbstractComponent [1] is incompatible with `React.Element` [2]. Or AbstractComponent [1] is incompatible with `React.Portal` [3]. Or AbstractComponent [1] is incompatible with `$Iterable` [4]

Am I doing something wrong? I'm kind of having a hard time figuring it out by the docs alone.

gkz commented

You want React.Node or React.MixedElement