
Idb commands are very slow

tburakdemir opened this issue · 0 comments


Idb commands are very slow. Such as list-targets, connect UDID etc. 8 iphone is plugged in.

First log is at 11:03:21.
Last log is at 11.23.00
So it takes 20 min to execute and even don't finish the process. I had to terminate since it stucked.

Here idb --log DEBUG list-targets logs

idb --log DEBUG list-targets
2022-09-05 11:03:21,301 [DEBUG] - list-targets - TargetListCommand command run with: Namespace(companion=None, companion_path='/opt/homebrew/bin/idb_companion', companion_tls=False, compression=None, json=False, log_level='DEBUG', log_level_deprecated=None, only=None, prune_dead_companion=True, root_command='list-targets')
2022-09-05 11:03:21,301 [DEBUG] - idb - TargetListCommand called
2022-09-05 11:03:21,302 [DEBUG] - idb - list_targets called
2022-09-05 11:03:21,302 [DEBUG] - idb - list_targets called
2022-09-05 11:03:21,304 [INFO] - list-targets.8515:--list 1 - Launched process
IDB Companion Built at Mar 2 2022 18:31:56
Invoked with args=[/opt/homebrew/bin/idb_companion, --list, 1] env={PATH => /Users/testcribe/.fastlane/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin, LC_CTYPE => UTF-8, TMPDIR => /var/folders/fm/73l6dqgs4dvgg8zthr0yyt9c0000gn/T/, __CFBundleIdentifier => com.apple.Terminal, LOGNAME => testcribe, HOME => /Users/testcribe, XPC_FLAGS => 0x0, TERM => xterm-256color, USER => testcribe, SSH_AUTH_SOCK => /private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.DUmUhXpMTv/Listeners, TERM_PROGRAM => Apple_Terminal, XPC_SERVICE_NAME => 0, SHELL => /bin/zsh, TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION => 445, PWD => /Users/testcribe, SHLVL => 1, __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING => 0x1F5:0x0:0x0, _ => /Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/bin/idb, TERM_SESSION_ID => AAADB187-4914-4609-BDEF-2E0335BC057C}
Providing targets across Simulator and Device sets.
CoreSimulator: Loading from /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework
CoreSimulator: Successfully loaded
CoreSimulator: SimDevice has correct path of /Library/Developer
AccessibilityPlatformTranslation: Already loaded, skipping
AccessibilityPlatformTranslation: AXPTranslationObject has correct path of /System/Library
Loaded All Private Frameworks [CoreSimulator, AccessibilityPlatformTranslation]
MobileDevice: Loading from /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework
MobileDevice: Successfully loaded
Loaded All Private Frameworks [MobileDevice]
[framework_loader] MobileDevice: Loading from /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework
[framework_loader] MobileDevice: Successfully loaded
[framework_loader] Loaded All Private Frameworks [MobileDevice]
Sep 5 11:03:22 idb_companion[8515] : _SubscribeForMuxNotifications (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0.
Sep 5 11:03:24 idb_companion[8515] : _AMDDeviceAttachedCallbackv3 (thread 0x104ed4580): Device 'AMDevice 0x600003a141e0 {UDID = c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd, device ID = 23, location ID = 0x2220000, product ID = 0x12a8}' attached.
Connecting to AMDevice 0x600003a141e0 {UDID = c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd, device ID = 23, location ID = 0x2220000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:03:24 idb_companion[8515] : MDRemoteServiceReachable (thread 0x16fe5f000): [MDRemoteServiceReachable] Entering MDRemoteServiceReachable
Sep 5 11:03:24 idb_companion[8515] : MDRemoteServiceReachable (thread 0x16fe5f000): [MDRemoteServiceReachable] Entering MDRemoteServiceReachable
Sep 5 11:03:24 idb_companion[8515] : MDRemoteServiceReachable (thread 0x16fe5f000): [MDRemoteServiceReachable] Entering MDRemoteServiceReachable
Sep 5 11:03:24 idb_companion[8515] : MDRemoteServiceReachable (thread 0x16fe5f000): [MDRemoteServiceReachable] Entering MDRemoteServiceReachable
<AMRestorableDevice 0x12374d290 [0x1fae74000]> connected in state Booted
Caching restorable device values {
ChipID = 32789;
DeviceClass = 1;
DeviceName = iPhone;
LocationID = 34680832;
ProductType = "iPhone10,6";
SerialNumber = DNPW12RVJCLH;
UniqueChipID = 7381983706202158;
Device Connected <AMRestorableDevice 0x12374d290 [0x1fae74000]>
Created a new Device instance <FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x12375f0d0>
Existing Device <AMRestorableDevice 0x12374d290 [0x1fae74000]> is the same as the old
<FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x12375f0d0> appeared for the first time
unknown | iPhone | Booted | iPhone10,6 | OS 'unknown' | unknown appeared for the first time
<AMRestorableDevice 0x123617470 [0x1fae74000]> connected in state Booted
Caching restorable device values {
ChipID = 32800;
DeviceClass = 1;
DeviceName = iPhone;
LocationID = 34865152;
ProductType = "iPhone11,2";
SerialNumber = C39XN41HKPG2;
UniqueChipID = 7164766233165870;
Device Connected <AMRestorableDevice 0x123617470 [0x1fae74000]>
Created a new Device instance <FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x12376da90>
Existing Device <AMRestorableDevice 0x123617470 [0x1fae74000]> is the same as the old
<FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x12376da90> appeared for the first time
unknown | iPhone | Booted | iPhone11,2 | OS 'unknown' | unknown appeared for the first time
<AMRestorableDevice 0x123706340 [0x1fae74000]> connected in state Booted
Caching restorable device values {
ChipID = 32816;
DeviceClass = 1;
DeviceName = iPhone;
LocationID = 34676736;
ProductType = "iPhone12,8";
SerialNumber = F17CM1E7PLJT;
UniqueChipID = 6813545151037486;
Device Connected <AMRestorableDevice 0x123706340 [0x1fae74000]>
Created a new Device instance <FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x12376e3b0>
Existing Device <AMRestorableDevice 0x123706340 [0x1fae74000]> is the same as the old
<FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x12376e3b0> appeared for the first time
unknown | iPhone | Booted | iPhone12,8 | OS 'unknown' | unknown appeared for the first time
<AMRestorableDevice 0x123617580 [0x1fae74000]> connected in state Booted
Caching restorable device values {
ChipID = 32789;
DeviceClass = 1;
DeviceName = iPhone;
LocationID = 34799616;
ProductType = "iPhone10,4";
SerialNumber = F72VMQ2LJC67;
UniqueChipID = 4904122574981178;
Device Connected <AMRestorableDevice 0x123617580 [0x1fae74000]>
Created a new Device instance <FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x123760490>
Existing Device <AMRestorableDevice 0x123617580 [0x1fae74000]> is the same as the old
<FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x123760490> appeared for the first time
unknown | iPhone | Booted | iPhone10,4 | OS 'unknown' | unknown appeared for the first time
Checking whether AMDevice 0x600003a141e0 {UDID = c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd, device ID = 23, location ID = 0x2220000, product ID = 0x12a8} is paired
Sep 5 11:04:10 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x16f8e7000): returned 0x0 for device 10
Sep 5 11:04:37 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x16f8e7000): returned 0x0 for device 14
Sep 5 11:04:57 idb_companion[8515] : _connect_to_port (thread 0x16fba3000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396 on port 32498: Operation timed out
Sep 5 11:04:57 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x16fba3000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 19 - 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396: 0xe8000065.
Sep 5 11:05:04 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 23
Validating Pairing to AMDevice 0x600003a141e0 {UDID = c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd, device ID = 23, location ID = 0x2220000, product ID = 0x12a8}
2022-09-05 11:05:21,308 [INFO] - list-targets.8515:--list 1 - Stopping process with SIGTERM, waiting 0:00:30
2022-09-05 11:05:51,312 [DEBUG] - idb - list_targets failed
2022-09-05 11:05:51,313 [DEBUG] - idb - list_targets failed
2022-09-05 11:05:51,313 [DEBUG] - idb - TargetListCommand failed
2022-09-05 11:05:51,313 [ERROR] - root - Exception thrown in main
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/common/companion.py", line 163, in _run_companion_command
(output, _) = await asyncio.wait_for(
File "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/asyncio/tasks.py", line 501, in wait_for
raise exceptions.TimeoutError()

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/common/companion.py", line 149, in _start_companion_command
yield process
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/common/companion.py", line 171, in _run_companion_command
raise IdbException(
idb.common.types.IdbException: Timed out after 0:02:00 secs on command --list 1

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/cli/main.py", line 313, in gen_main
await root_command.run(args)
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/common/command.py", line 90, in run
return await self.resolve_command_from_args(args).run(args)
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/cli/init.py", line 106, in run
await self._run_impl(args)
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/cli/init.py", line 149, in _run_impl
await self.run_with_manager(
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/cli/commands/target.py", line 188, in run_with_manager
targets = await manager.list_targets(only=only)
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/common/logging.py", line 113, in _async_wrapper
raise ex
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/common/logging.py", line 88, in _async_wrapper
value = await function(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/grpc/management.py", line 197, in list_targets
(local_targets, connected_targets) = await asyncio.gather(
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/grpc/management.py", line 195, in _list_local_targets
return await companion.list_targets(only=only)
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/common/logging.py", line 113, in _async_wrapper
raise ex
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/common/logging.py", line 88, in _async_wrapper
value = await function(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/common/companion.py", line 383, in list_targets
output = await self._run_companion_command(arguments=arguments, timeout=timeout)
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/common/companion.py", line 171, in _run_companion_command
raise IdbException(
File "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/contextlib.py", line 189, in aexit
await self.gen.athrow(typ, value, traceback)
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/common/companion.py", line 151, in _start_companion_command
await _terminate_process(
File "/Users/testcribe/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/idb/common/companion.py", line 59, in _terminate_process
returncode = await asyncio.wait_for(
File "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/asyncio/tasks.py", line 501, in wait_for
raise exceptions.TimeoutError()
TestCribe-Mac-mini:~ testcribe$ Sep 5 11:06:02 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 23
Starting Session on AMDevice 0x600003a141e0 {UDID = c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd, device ID = 23, location ID = 0x2220000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:06:05 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x16f8e7000): returned 0x0 for device 17
Stopping Session on AMDevice 0x600003a141e0 {UDID = c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd, device ID = 23, location ID = 0x2220000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:07:18 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 23
Disconnecting from AMDevice 0x600003a141e0 {UDID = c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd, device ID = 23, location ID = 0x2220000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Disconnected from AMDevice 0x600003a141e0 {UDID = c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd, device ID = 23, location ID = 0x2220000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Obtained Device Values {
ActivationState = Activated;
ActivationStateAcknowledged = 1;
BasebandActivationTicketVersion = V2;
BasebandCertId = 524245983;
BasebandChipID = 101;
BasebandKeyHashInformation = {
AKeyStatus = 0;
SKeyHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0xbbefed70 2c2f690f b563db78 d08e327a ... 6913a168 8546056a };
SKeyStatus = 0;
BasebandMasterKeyHash = 8CB15EE4C8002199070D9500BB8FB183B02713A5CA2A6B92DB5E75CE15536182;
BasebandRegionSKU = {length = 64, bytes = 0x00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 };
BasebandSerialNumber = {length = 12, bytes = 0xd32120296100d88079414906};
BasebandStatus = BBInfoAvailable;
BasebandVersion = "5.03.01";
BluetoothAddress = "f0:98:9d:2c:9d:f4";
BoardId = 10;
BrickState = 0;
BuildVersion = 19G82;
CPUArchitecture = arm64;
CarrierBundleInfoArray = (
CertID = 524245983;
ChipID = 32789;
ChipSerialNo = {length = 12, bytes = 0xd32120296100d88079414906};
DeviceClass = iPhone;
DeviceColor = 1;
DeviceName = "iphone 8";
DieID = 8554329725747246;
EthernetAddress = "f0:98:9d:2c:9d:f5";
FirmwareVersion = "iBoot-7459.140.15";
FusingStatus = 3;
HardwareModel = D201AP;
HardwarePlatform = t8015;
HasSiDP = 1;
HostAttached = 1;
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity = 356763089752557;
IsPaired = 1;
MLBSerialNumber = C7H75161G6PJ0WYAP;
MobileSubscriberCountryCode = "";
MobileSubscriberNetworkCode = "";
ModelNumber = MQ6G2;
NonVolatileRAM = {
"auto-boot" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x74727565};
"backlight-level" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x31353037};
"backlight-nits" = {length = 10, bytes = 0x30783030616261663836};
"boot-args" = "";
"com.apple.System.tz0-size" = {length = 9, bytes = 0x307831374343303030};
"fm-activation-locked" = {length = 2, bytes = 0x4e4f};
"fm-spstatus" = {length = 3, bytes = 0x594553};
obliteration = {length = 137, bytes = 0x45414353 20446f6e 65204031 36353937 ... 34303030 3038305d };
"ota-controllerVersion" = {length = 7, bytes = 0x5355532d322e30};
usbcfwflasherResult = {length = 9, bytes = 0x4e6f206572726f7273};
PairRecordProtectionClass = 4;
PartitionType = "GUID_partition_scheme";
PasswordProtected = 0;
PkHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0x1f3f5bdf c592457f dc13aa9a 9b4c447d ... 5a34cfbb 658e5d55 };
ProductName = "iPhone OS";
ProductType = "iPhone10,4";
ProductVersion = "15.6.1";
ProductionSOC = 1;
ProtocolVersion = 2;
ProximitySensorCalibration = {length = 144, bytes = 0x7f7a0005 32001e00 1d5d5941 7d861b42 ... 02000000 000000c7 };
RegionInfo = "TU/A";
SIMStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusNotInserted;
SIMTrayStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMTrayInsertedNoSIM;
SerialNumber = F4HVWWZGJC67;
SoftwareBehavior = {length = 16, bytes = 0x01040000000000000000000000000000};
SoftwareBundleVersion = "";
SupportedDeviceFamilies = (
TelephonyCapability = 1;
TimeIntervalSince1970 = "1662365219.892154";
TimeZone = "Europe/Istanbul";
TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC = 10800;
TrustedHostAttached = 1;
UniqueChipID = 8554329725747246;
UniqueDeviceID = c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd;
UseRaptorCerts = 1;
Uses24HourClock = 0;
WiFiAddress = "f0:98:9d:2c:9d:03";
WirelessBoardSerialNumber = 7CDC95025B;
"com.apple.mobile.backup" = {
RequiresEncryption = 0;
Version = "2.0";
kCTPostponementStatus = kCTPostponementStatusActivated;
Device Connected AMDevice 0x600003a141e0 {UDID = c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd, device ID = 23, location ID = 0x2220000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Created a new Device instance AMDevice c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd | iphone 8
New 'AMDevice 0x600003a141e0 {UDID = c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd, device ID = 23, location ID = 0x2220000, product ID = 0x12a8}' appeared for the first time
AMDevice c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd | iphone 8 appeared for the first time
c16b08b10c9dbb4ef48c88f7127431c5d9ef69fd | iphone 8 | Booted | iPhone 8 | OS 'iOS 15.6.1' | arm64 appeared for the first time
Sep 5 11:07:18 idb_companion[8515] : _AMDDeviceAttachedCallbackv3 (thread 0x104ed4580): Device 'AMDevice 0x600003a3c2d0 {UDID = 00008020-001869D82EBB002E, device ID = 22, location ID = 0x2120000, product ID = 0x12a8}' attached.
Connecting to AMDevice 0x600003a3c2d0 {UDID = 00008020-001869D82EBB002E, device ID = 22, location ID = 0x2120000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Checking whether AMDevice 0x600003a3c2d0 {UDID = 00008020-001869D82EBB002E, device ID = 22, location ID = 0x2120000, product ID = 0x12a8} is paired
Sep 5 11:09:02 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 22
Validating Pairing to AMDevice 0x600003a3c2d0 {UDID = 00008020-001869D82EBB002E, device ID = 22, location ID = 0x2120000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:10:09 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 22
Starting Session on AMDevice 0x600003a3c2d0 {UDID = 00008020-001869D82EBB002E, device ID = 22, location ID = 0x2120000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Stopping Session on AMDevice 0x600003a3c2d0 {UDID = 00008020-001869D82EBB002E, device ID = 22, location ID = 0x2120000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:11:31 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 22
Disconnecting from AMDevice 0x600003a3c2d0 {UDID = 00008020-001869D82EBB002E, device ID = 22, location ID = 0x2120000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Disconnected from AMDevice 0x600003a3c2d0 {UDID = 00008020-001869D82EBB002E, device ID = 22, location ID = 0x2120000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Obtained Device Values {
ActivationState = Activated;
ActivationStateAcknowledged = 1;
BasebandActivationTicketVersion = V2;
BasebandCertId = 165673526;
BasebandChipID = 94;
BasebandKeyHashInformation = {
AKeyStatus = 64;
SKeyStatus = 2;
BasebandMasterKeyHash = 1B41607650EBF11C6B39F41CB267DC64C121A9BCF44DBA5D28F55ACC86361BBA366554CD57B4C466055803E1EF81C870;
BasebandRegionSKU = {length = 64, bytes = 0x00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 };
BasebandSerialNumber = {length = 12, bytes = 0x8cd2c18088c19c2100000000};
BasebandStatus = BBInfoAvailable;
BasebandVersion = "4.04.02";
BluetoothAddress = "f4:af:e7:e9:0f:f7";
BoardId = 12;
BrickState = 0;
BuildVersion = 19G82;
CPUArchitecture = arm64e;
CarrierBundleInfoArray = (
CertID = 165673526;
ChipID = 32800;
ChipSerialNo = {length = 12, bytes = 0x8cd2c18088c19c2100000000};
DeviceClass = iPhone;
DeviceColor = 1;
DeviceName = "iphone xr";
DieID = 6871776658915374;
EthernetAddress = "f4:af:e7:ed:3d:0c";
FirmwareVersion = "iBoot-7459.140.15";
FusingStatus = 3;
HardwareModel = N841AP;
HardwarePlatform = t8020;
HasSiDP = 1;
HostAttached = 1;
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity = 353073108224437;
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity2 = 353073108274572;
IsPaired = 1;
MLBSerialNumber = F3X93110G23JKWMC;
MobileEquipmentIdentifier = 35307310822443;
MobileSubscriberCountryCode = "";
MobileSubscriberNetworkCode = "";
ModelNumber = MRY52;
NonVolatileRAM = {
"auto-boot" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x74727565};
"backlight-level" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x31333938};
"backlight-nits" = {length = 10, bytes = 0x30783030613039623839};
"boot-args" = "";
"com.apple.System.tz0-size" = {length = 9, bytes = 0x307838443030303030};
"fm-activation-locked" = {length = 2, bytes = 0x4e4f};
"fm-spstatus" = {length = 2, bytes = 0x4e4f};
obliteration = {length = 137, bytes = 0x45414353 20446f6e 65204031 36353937 ... 34303030 3038305d };
"ota-controllerVersion" = {length = 7, bytes = 0x5355532d322e30};
usbcfwflasherResult = {length = 9, bytes = 0x4e6f206572726f7273};
PairRecordProtectionClass = 4;
PartitionType = "GUID_partition_scheme";
PasswordProtected = 0;
PkHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0x09dffa36 0a2365db c576bb9a ee49a16e ... 6bd5e7f7 47f9dd1a };
ProductName = "iPhone OS";
ProductType = "iPhone11,8";
ProductVersion = "15.6.1";
ProductionSOC = 1;
ProtocolVersion = 2;
ProximitySensorCalibration = {length = 144, bytes = 0x7f7a0005 32001e00 47106341 93553542 ... 02000000 000000bf };
RegionInfo = "TU/A";
SIMStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusNotInserted;
SIMTrayStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMTrayInsertedNoSIM;
SerialNumber = DNPZ5D5FKXK2;
SoftwareBehavior = {length = 16, bytes = 0x01040000000000000000000000000000};
SoftwareBundleVersion = "";
SupportedDeviceFamilies = (
TelephonyCapability = 1;
TimeIntervalSince1970 = "1662365464.169787";
TimeZone = "Europe/Istanbul";
TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC = 10800;
TrustedHostAttached = 1;
UniqueChipID = 6871776658915374;
UniqueDeviceID = "00008020-001869D82EBB002E";
UseRaptorCerts = 1;
Uses24HourClock = 0;
WiFiAddress = "f4:af:e7:e7:62:03";
WirelessBoardSerialNumber = F001611AF57;
"com.apple.mobile.backup" = {
RequiresEncryption = 0;
Version = "2.0";
kCTPostponementStatus = kCTPostponementStatusActivated;
Device Connected AMDevice 0x600003a3c2d0 {UDID = 00008020-001869D82EBB002E, device ID = 22, location ID = 0x2120000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Created a new Device instance AMDevice 00008020-001869D82EBB002E | iphone xr
New 'AMDevice 0x600003a3c2d0 {UDID = 00008020-001869D82EBB002E, device ID = 22, location ID = 0x2120000, product ID = 0x12a8}' appeared for the first time
AMDevice 00008020-001869D82EBB002E | iphone xr appeared for the first time
00008020-001869D82EBB002E | iphone xr | Booted | iPhone Xʀ | OS 'iOS 15.6.1' | arm64e appeared for the first time
Sep 5 11:11:31 idb_companion[8515] : _AMDDeviceAttachedCallbackv3 (thread 0x104ed4580): Device 'AMDevice 0x600003a083c0 {UDID = fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b, device ID = 21, location ID = 0x2111000, product ID = 0x12a8}' attached.
Connecting to AMDevice 0x600003a083c0 {UDID = fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b, device ID = 21, location ID = 0x2111000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Checking whether AMDevice 0x600003a083c0 {UDID = fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b, device ID = 21, location ID = 0x2111000, product ID = 0x12a8} is paired
<AMRestorableDevice 0x121804080 [0x1fae74000]> connected in state Booted
Sep 5 11:12:44 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x16f513000): returned 0x0 for device 20
Sep 5 11:12:50 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 21
Validating Pairing to AMDevice 0x600003a083c0 {UDID = fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b, device ID = 21, location ID = 0x2111000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Caching restorable device values {
ChipID = 32789;
DeviceClass = 1;
DeviceName = "iphone x";
LocationID = 34684928;
ProductType = "iPhone10,3";
SerialNumber = G0NVX5CAJCLF;
UniqueChipID = 4914594324168750;
Device Connected <AMRestorableDevice 0x121804080 [0x1fae74000]>
Created a new Device instance <FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x121905090>
Existing Device <AMRestorableDevice 0x121804080 [0x1fae74000]> is the same as the old
<FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x121905090> appeared for the first time
unknown | iphone x | Booted | iPhone10,3 | OS 'unknown' | unknown appeared for the first time
<AMRestorableDevice 0x121804f00 [0x1fae74000]> connected in state Booted
Sep 5 11:13:41 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 21
Starting Session on AMDevice 0x600003a083c0 {UDID = fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b, device ID = 21, location ID = 0x2111000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:14:02 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x16f513000): returned 0x0 for device 22
Stopping Session on AMDevice 0x600003a083c0 {UDID = fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b, device ID = 21, location ID = 0x2111000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:14:12 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 21
Disconnecting from AMDevice 0x600003a083c0 {UDID = fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b, device ID = 21, location ID = 0x2111000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Disconnected from AMDevice 0x600003a083c0 {UDID = fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b, device ID = 21, location ID = 0x2111000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Obtained Device Values {
ActivationState = Activated;
ActivationStateAcknowledged = 1;
BasebandActivationTicketVersion = V2;
BasebandCertId = 524245983;
BasebandChipID = 101;
BasebandKeyHashInformation = {
AKeyStatus = 0;
SKeyHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0xbbefed70 2c2f690f b563db78 d08e327a ... 6913a168 8546056a };
SKeyStatus = 0;
BasebandMasterKeyHash = 8CB15EE4C8002199070D9500BB8FB183B02713A5CA2A6B92DB5E75CE15536182;
BasebandRegionSKU = {length = 64, bytes = 0x00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 };
BasebandSerialNumber = {length = 12, bytes = 0x1352086740007882583fc505};
BasebandStatus = BBInfoAvailable;
BasebandVersion = "5.03.01";
BluetoothAddress = "f0:78:07:b9:fe:ea";
BoardId = 10;
BrickState = 0;
BuildVersion = 19G82;
CPUArchitecture = arm64;
CarrierBundleInfoArray = (
CertID = 524245983;
ChipID = 32789;
ChipSerialNo = {length = 12, bytes = 0x1352086740007882583fc505};
DeviceClass = iPhone;
DeviceColor = 1;
DeviceName = Iphone8;
DieID = 7147126438395950;
EthernetAddress = "f0:78:07:c1:79:b6";
FirmwareVersion = "iBoot-7459.140.15";
FusingStatus = 3;
HardwareModel = D201AP;
HardwarePlatform = t8015;
HasSiDP = 1;
HostAttached = 1;
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity = 356392109585779;
IsPaired = 1;
MLBSerialNumber = FG300160FK8J0WYAD;
MobileSubscriberCountryCode = "";
MobileSubscriberNetworkCode = "";
ModelNumber = MQ6G2;
NonVolatileRAM = {
"auto-boot" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x74727565};
"backlight-level" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x31353037};
"backlight-nits" = {length = 10, bytes = 0x30783030616366396436};
"boot-args" = "";
"fm-activation-locked" = {length = 2, bytes = 0x4e4f};
"fm-spstatus" = {length = 3, bytes = 0x594553};
"oblit-begins" = {length = 81, bytes = 0x4f626c69 74547970 653a204f 626c6974 ... 20636f6d 6d616e64 };
obliteration = {length = 38, bytes = 0x68616e64 6c655f6d 65737361 67653a20 ... 6f6d706c 6574650a };
"ota-controllerVersion" = {length = 7, bytes = 0x5355532d322e30};
usbcfwflasherResult = {length = 9, bytes = 0x4e6f206572726f7273};
PairRecordProtectionClass = 4;
PartitionType = "GUID_partition_scheme";
PasswordProtected = 0;
PkHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0x1f3f5bdf c592457f dc13aa9a 9b4c447d ... 5a34cfbb 658e5d55 };
ProductName = "iPhone OS";
ProductType = "iPhone10,4";
ProductVersion = "15.6.1";
ProductionSOC = 1;
ProtocolVersion = 2;
ProximitySensorCalibration = {length = 144, bytes = 0x7f7a0005 32001e00 99de3c41 25944942 ... 03000000 00000055 };
RegionInfo = "TU/A";
SIMStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusNotInserted;
SIMTrayStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMTrayInsertedNoSIM;
SerialNumber = FFNC155VJC67;
SoftwareBehavior = {length = 16, bytes = 0x01040000000000000000000000000000};
SoftwareBundleVersion = "";
SupportedDeviceFamilies = (
TelephonyCapability = 1;
TimeIntervalSince1970 = "1662365643.794572";
TimeZone = "Europe/Istanbul";
TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC = 10800;
TrustedHostAttached = 1;
UniqueChipID = 7147126438395950;
UniqueDeviceID = fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b;
UseRaptorCerts = 1;
Uses24HourClock = 0;
WiFiAddress = "f0:78:07:b5:40:dc";
WirelessBoardSerialNumber = F0019632B60;
"com.apple.mobile.backup" = {
LastiTunesBackupDate = 675760261;
LastiTunesBackupTZ = "GMT+3";
RequiresEncryption = 0;
Version = "2.0";
WillEncrypt = 0;
kCTPostponementStatus = kCTPostponementStatusActivated;
Device Connected AMDevice 0x600003a083c0 {UDID = fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b, device ID = 21, location ID = 0x2111000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Created a new Device instance AMDevice fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b | Iphone8
New 'AMDevice 0x600003a083c0 {UDID = fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b, device ID = 21, location ID = 0x2111000, product ID = 0x12a8}' appeared for the first time
AMDevice fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b | Iphone8 appeared for the first time
fc213b1977d0682c65fbb4fba37d5ffac066c39b | Iphone8 | Booted | iPhone 8 | OS 'iOS 15.6.1' | arm64 appeared for the first time
Sep 5 11:14:12 idb_companion[8515] : _AMDDeviceAttachedCallbackv3 (thread 0x104ed4580): Device 'AMDevice 0x600003a3c3c0 {UDID = 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56, device ID = 20, location ID = 0x2114000, product ID = 0x12a8}' attached.
Connecting to AMDevice 0x600003a3c3c0 {UDID = 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56, device ID = 20, location ID = 0x2114000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Checking whether AMDevice 0x600003a3c3c0 {UDID = 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56, device ID = 20, location ID = 0x2114000, product ID = 0x12a8} is paired
Caching restorable device values {
ChipID = 32800;
DeviceClass = 1;
DeviceName = "iphone xr";
LocationID = 34734080;
ProductType = "iPhone11,8";
SerialNumber = DNPZ5D5FKXK2;
UniqueChipID = 6871776658915374;
Device Connected <AMRestorableDevice 0x121804f00 [0x1fae74000]>
Created a new Device instance <FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x121a04cd0>
Existing Device <AMRestorableDevice 0x121804f00 [0x1fae74000]> is the same as the old
<FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x121a04cd0> appeared for the first time
<AMRestorableDevice 0x1072082c0 [0x1fae74000]> connected in state Booted
Sep 5 11:15:09 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 20
Validating Pairing to AMDevice 0x600003a3c3c0 {UDID = 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56, device ID = 20, location ID = 0x2114000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:15:16 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x16f513000): returned 0x0 for device 23
Caching restorable device values {
ChipID = 32789;
DeviceClass = 1;
DeviceName = "iphone 8";
LocationID = 35782656;
ProductType = "iPhone10,4";
SerialNumber = F4HVWWZGJC67;
UniqueChipID = 8554329725747246;
Device Connected <AMRestorableDevice 0x1072082c0 [0x1fae74000]>
Created a new Device instance <FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x107207720>
Existing Device <AMRestorableDevice 0x1072082c0 [0x1fae74000]> is the same as the old
<FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x107207720> appeared for the first time
<AMRestorableDevice 0x107204880 [0x1fae74000]> connected in state Booted
Sep 5 11:15:45 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 20
Starting Session on AMDevice 0x600003a3c3c0 {UDID = 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56, device ID = 20, location ID = 0x2114000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Stopping Session on AMDevice 0x600003a3c3c0 {UDID = 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56, device ID = 20, location ID = 0x2114000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:16:16 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 20
Disconnecting from AMDevice 0x600003a3c3c0 {UDID = 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56, device ID = 20, location ID = 0x2114000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Disconnected from AMDevice 0x600003a3c3c0 {UDID = 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56, device ID = 20, location ID = 0x2114000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Obtained Device Values {
ActivationState = Activated;
ActivationStateAcknowledged = 1;
BasebandActivationTicketVersion = V2;
BasebandCertId = 2315222105;
BasebandChipID = 241889;
BasebandKeyHashInformation = {
AKeyStatus = 2;
SKeyHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0xbbefed70 2c2f690f b563db78 d08e327a ... 6913a168 8546056a };
SKeyStatus = 0;
BasebandMasterKeyHash = 8CB15EE4C8002199070D9500BB8FB183B02713A5CA2A6B92DB5E75CE15536182;
BasebandRegionSKU = {length = 64, bytes = 0x00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 };
BasebandSerialNumber = {length = 4, bytes = 0xf8c005ad};
BasebandStatus = BBInfoAvailable;
BasebandVersion = "7.61.00";
BluetoothAddress = "b8:c1:11:85:ad:f6";
BoardId = 6;
BrickState = 0;
BuildVersion = 19G82;
CPUArchitecture = arm64;
CarrierBundleInfoArray = (
CertID = 2315222105;
ChipID = 32789;
ChipSerialNo = {length = 4, bytes = 0xf8c005ad};
DeviceClass = iPhone;
DeviceColor = 1;
DeviceName = "iphone x";
DieID = 4914594324168750;
EthernetAddress = "b8:c1:11:85:ad:f7";
FirmwareVersion = "iBoot-7459.140.15";
FusingStatus = 3;
HardwareModel = D22AP;
HardwarePlatform = t8015;
HasSiDP = 1;
HostAttached = 1;
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity = 353055095951288;
IsPaired = 1;
MLBSerialNumber = F3Y74920SX1J3QLA;
MobileEquipmentIdentifier = 35305509595128;
MobileSubscriberCountryCode = "";
MobileSubscriberNetworkCode = "";
ModelNumber = MQA52;
NonVolatileRAM = {
"auto-boot" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x74727565};
"backlight-level" = {length = 3, bytes = 0x373430};
"backlight-nits" = {length = 10, bytes = 0x30783030396230303030};
"boot-args" = "";
"com.apple.System.tz0-size" = {length = 9, bytes = 0x307842453030303030};
"fm-activation-locked" = {length = 2, bytes = 0x4e4f};
"fm-spstatus" = {length = 3, bytes = 0x594553};
"oblit-begins" = {length = 81, bytes = 0x4f626c69 74547970 653a204f 626c6974 ... 20636f6d 6d616e64 };
obliteration = {length = 38, bytes = 0x68616e64 6c655f6d 65737361 67653a20 ... 6f6d706c 6574650a };
"ota-controllerVersion" = {length = 7, bytes = 0x5355532d322e30};
usbcfwflasherResult = {length = 9, bytes = 0x4e6f206572726f7273};
PairRecordProtectionClass = 4;
PartitionType = "GUID_partition_scheme";
PasswordProtected = 0;
PkHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0x89ff7c59 4d684edf a371a665 bd40bd00 ... 37e720ed 1bf56c26 };
ProductName = "iPhone OS";
ProductType = "iPhone10,3";
ProductVersion = "15.6.1";
ProductionSOC = 1;
ProtocolVersion = 2;
ProximitySensorCalibration = {length = 144, bytes = 0x7f7a0005 32001e00 cfeb5e41 4f221c42 ... 02000000 000000af };
RegionInfo = "LL/A";
SIMStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusNotInserted;
SIMTrayStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMTrayInsertedNoSIM;
SerialNumber = G0NVX5CAJCLF;
SoftwareBehavior = {length = 16, bytes = 0x11000000000000000000000000000000};
SoftwareBundleVersion = "";
SupportedDeviceFamilies = (
TelephonyCapability = 1;
TimeIntervalSince1970 = "1662365769.155954";
TimeZone = "Europe/Istanbul";
TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC = 10800;
TrustedHostAttached = 1;
UniqueChipID = 4914594324168750;
UniqueDeviceID = 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56;
UseRaptorCerts = 1;
Uses24HourClock = 0;
WiFiAddress = "b8:c1:11:85:ad:f5";
WirelessBoardSerialNumber = F00DBD035;
"com.apple.mobile.backup" = {
RequiresEncryption = 0;
Version = "2.0";
kCTPostponementInfoPRLName = 0;
kCTPostponementInfoServiceProvisioningState = 0;
kCTPostponementStatus = kCTPostponementStatusActivated;
Device Connected AMDevice 0x600003a3c3c0 {UDID = 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56, device ID = 20, location ID = 0x2114000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Created a new Device instance AMDevice 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56 | iphone x
New 'AMDevice 0x600003a3c3c0 {UDID = 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56, device ID = 20, location ID = 0x2114000, product ID = 0x12a8}' appeared for the first time
AMDevice 4a728f3492eae93c4ce11e4c04a292314572de56 | iphone x appeared for the first time
Sep 5 11:16:16 idb_companion[8515] : _AMDDeviceAttachedCallbackv3 (thread 0x104ed4580): Device 'AMDevice 0x600003a3c1e0 {UDID = 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396, device ID = 19, location ID = 0x2240000, product ID = 0x12a8}' attached.
Connecting to AMDevice 0x600003a3c1e0 {UDID = 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396, device ID = 19, location ID = 0x2240000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:16:19 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x16f513000): returned 0x0 for device 21
Checking whether AMDevice 0x600003a3c1e0 {UDID = 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396, device ID = 19, location ID = 0x2240000, product ID = 0x12a8} is paired
Caching restorable device values {
ChipID = 32789;
DeviceClass = 1;
DeviceName = Iphone8;
LocationID = 34672640;
ProductType = "iPhone10,4";
SerialNumber = FFNC155VJC67;
UniqueChipID = 7147126438395950;
Device Connected <AMRestorableDevice 0x107204880 [0x1fae74000]>
Created a new Device instance <FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x1218085c0>
Existing Device <AMRestorableDevice 0x107204880 [0x1fae74000]> is the same as the old
<FBAMRestorableDevice: 0x1218085c0> appeared for the first time
Sep 5 11:16:53 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 19
Validating Pairing to AMDevice 0x600003a3c1e0 {UDID = 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396, device ID = 19, location ID = 0x2240000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:17:23 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 19
Starting Session on AMDevice 0x600003a3c1e0 {UDID = 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396, device ID = 19, location ID = 0x2240000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Stopping Session on AMDevice 0x600003a3c1e0 {UDID = 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396, device ID = 19, location ID = 0x2240000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:18:06 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 19
Disconnecting from AMDevice 0x600003a3c1e0 {UDID = 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396, device ID = 19, location ID = 0x2240000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Disconnected from AMDevice 0x600003a3c1e0 {UDID = 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396, device ID = 19, location ID = 0x2240000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Obtained Device Values {
ActivationState = Activated;
ActivationStateAcknowledged = 1;
BasebandActivationTicketVersion = V2;
BasebandCertId = 524245983;
BasebandChipID = 101;
BasebandKeyHashInformation = {
AKeyStatus = 0;
SKeyHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0xbbefed70 2c2f690f b563db78 d08e327a ... 6913a168 8546056a };
SKeyStatus = 0;
BasebandMasterKeyHash = 8CB15EE4C8002199070D9500BB8FB183B02713A5CA2A6B92DB5E75CE15536182;
BasebandRegionSKU = {length = 64, bytes = 0x00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 };
BasebandSerialNumber = {length = 12, bytes = 0xd3210827700091815887dc86};
BasebandStatus = BBInfoAvailable;
BasebandVersion = "5.03.01";
BluetoothAddress = "40:9c:28:c0:a0:5b";
BoardId = 12;
BrickState = 0;
BuildVersion = 19G82;
CPUArchitecture = arm64;
CarrierBundleInfoArray = (
CertID = 524245983;
ChipID = 32789;
ChipSerialNo = {length = 12, bytes = 0xd3210827700091815887dc86};
DeviceClass = iPhone;
DeviceColor = 1;
DeviceName = "iphone 8 plus";
DieID = 2345662649401390;
EthernetAddress = "40:9c:28:c0:a0:5c";
FirmwareVersion = "iBoot-7459.140.15";
FusingStatus = 3;
HardwareModel = D211AP;
HardwarePlatform = t8015;
HasSiDP = 1;
HostAttached = 1;
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity = 352978092361287;
IsPaired = 1;
MLBSerialNumber = F3X748206KMJ08YA;
MobileSubscriberCountryCode = "";
MobileSubscriberNetworkCode = "";
ModelNumber = MQ8L2;
NonVolatileRAM = {
"auto-boot" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x74727565};
"backlight-level" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x31343731};
"backlight-nits" = {length = 10, bytes = 0x30783030616163386536};
"boot-args" = "";
bootdelay = {length = 1, bytes = 0x30};
"com.apple.System.tz0-size" = {length = 9, bytes = 0x307831374343303030};
"fm-activation-locked" = {length = 2, bytes = 0x4e4f};
"fm-spstatus" = {length = 2, bytes = 0x4e4f};
obliteration = {length = 137, bytes = 0x45414353 20446f6e 65204031 36353937 ... 34303030 3038305d };
"ota-controllerVersion" = {length = 7, bytes = 0x5355532d322e30};
usbcfwflasherResult = {length = 9, bytes = 0x4e6f206572726f7273};
PairRecordProtectionClass = 4;
PartitionType = "GUID_partition_scheme";
PasswordProtected = 0;
PkHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0x1f3f5bdf c592457f dc13aa9a 9b4c447d ... 5a34cfbb 658e5d55 };
ProductName = "iPhone OS";
ProductType = "iPhone10,5";
ProductVersion = "15.6.1";
ProductionSOC = 1;
ProtocolVersion = 2;
ProximitySensorCalibration = {length = 144, bytes = 0x7f7a0005 32001e00 f4c7a141 03b4de41 ... 02000000 00000050 };
RegionInfo = "TU/A";
SIMStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusNotInserted;
SIMTrayStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMTrayInsertedNoSIM;
SerialNumber = F17VR83FJCM2;
SoftwareBehavior = {length = 16, bytes = 0x01040000000000000000000000000000};
SoftwareBundleVersion = "";
SupportedDeviceFamilies = (
TelephonyCapability = 1;
TimeIntervalSince1970 = "1662365875.892308";
TimeZone = "Europe/Istanbul";
TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC = 10800;
TrustedHostAttached = 1;
UniqueChipID = 2345662649401390;
UniqueDeviceID = 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396;
UseRaptorCerts = 1;
Uses24HourClock = 0;
WiFiAddress = "40:9c:28:c0:a0:5a";
WirelessBoardSerialNumber = 7AEA120095;
"com.apple.mobile.backup" = {
LastiTunesBackupDate = 681811484;
LastiTunesBackupTZ = "GMT+3";
RequiresEncryption = 0;
Version = "2.0";
WillEncrypt = 0;
kCTPostponementStatus = kCTPostponementStatusActivated;
Device Connected AMDevice 0x600003a3c1e0 {UDID = 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396, device ID = 19, location ID = 0x2240000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Created a new Device instance AMDevice 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396 | iphone 8 plus
New 'AMDevice 0x600003a3c1e0 {UDID = 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396, device ID = 19, location ID = 0x2240000, product ID = 0x12a8}' appeared for the first time
AMDevice 461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396 | iphone 8 plus appeared for the first time
461a569fef62138455736eac00bec4e56f93b396 | iphone 8 plus | Booted | iPhone 8 Plus | OS 'iOS 15.6.1' | arm64 appeared for the first time
Sep 5 11:18:06 idb_companion[8515] : _AMDDeviceAttachedCallbackv3 (thread 0x104ed4580): Device 'AMDevice 0x600003a3c5a0 {UDID = 00008020-00197451223A002E, device ID = 17, location ID = 0x2140000, product ID = 0x12a8}' attached.
Connecting to AMDevice 0x600003a3c5a0 {UDID = 00008020-00197451223A002E, device ID = 17, location ID = 0x2140000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Checking whether AMDevice 0x600003a3c5a0 {UDID = 00008020-00197451223A002E, device ID = 17, location ID = 0x2140000, product ID = 0x12a8} is paired
Sep 5 11:18:45 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 17
Validating Pairing to AMDevice 0x600003a3c5a0 {UDID = 00008020-00197451223A002E, device ID = 17, location ID = 0x2140000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:19:13 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 17
Starting Session on AMDevice 0x600003a3c5a0 {UDID = 00008020-00197451223A002E, device ID = 17, location ID = 0x2140000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Stopping Session on AMDevice 0x600003a3c5a0 {UDID = 00008020-00197451223A002E, device ID = 17, location ID = 0x2140000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:19:51 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 17
Disconnecting from AMDevice 0x600003a3c5a0 {UDID = 00008020-00197451223A002E, device ID = 17, location ID = 0x2140000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Disconnected from AMDevice 0x600003a3c5a0 {UDID = 00008020-00197451223A002E, device ID = 17, location ID = 0x2140000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Obtained Device Values {
ActivationState = Activated;
ActivationStateAcknowledged = 1;
BasebandActivationTicketVersion = V2;
BasebandCertId = 165673526;
BasebandChipID = 94;
BasebandKeyHashInformation = {
AKeyStatus = 64;
SKeyStatus = 2;
BasebandMasterKeyHash = 1B41607650EBF11C6B39F41CB267DC64C121A9BCF44DBA5D28F55ACC86361BBA366554CD57B4C466055803E1EF81C870;
BasebandRegionSKU = {length = 64, bytes = 0x00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 };
BasebandSerialNumber = {length = 12, bytes = 0x7b9d8f426dfc1f6000000000};
BasebandStatus = BBInfoAvailable;
BasebandVersion = "4.04.02";
BluetoothAddress = "a4:d9:31:66:e3:ac";
BoardId = 14;
BrickState = 0;
BuildVersion = 19G82;
CPUArchitecture = arm64e;
CarrierBundleInfoArray = (
CertID = 165673526;
ChipID = 32800;
ChipSerialNo = {length = 12, bytes = 0x7b9d8f426dfc1f6000000000};
DeviceClass = iPhone;
DeviceColor = 1;
DeviceName = "iphone xs";
DieID = 7164766233165870;
EthernetAddress = "a4:d9:31:62:4f:2f";
FirmwareVersion = "iBoot-7459.140.15";
FusingStatus = 3;
HardwareModel = D321AP;
HardwarePlatform = t8020;
HasSiDP = 1;
HostAttached = 1;
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity = 357220095002930;
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity2 = 357220095148113;
IsPaired = 1;
MLBSerialNumber = C07844505H4JVN4C;
MobileEquipmentIdentifier = 35722009500293;
MobileSubscriberCountryCode = "";
MobileSubscriberNetworkCode = "";
ModelNumber = MT9F2;
NonVolatileRAM = {
"auto-boot" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x74727565};
"backlight-level" = {length = 3, bytes = 0x373430};
"backlight-nits" = {length = 10, bytes = 0x30783030396230303030};
"boot-args" = "";
"com.apple.System.tz0-size" = {length = 9, bytes = 0x307842453030303030};
"fm-activation-locked" = {length = 2, bytes = 0x4e4f};
"fm-spstatus" = {length = 3, bytes = 0x594553};
obliteration = {length = 137, bytes = 0x45414353 20446f6e 65204031 36353937 ... 34303030 3038305d };
"ota-controllerVersion" = {length = 7, bytes = 0x5355532d322e30};
usbcfwflasherResult = {length = 9, bytes = 0x4e6f206572726f7273};
PairRecordProtectionClass = 4;
PartitionType = "GUID_partition_scheme";
PasswordProtected = 0;
PkHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0x09dffa36 0a2365db c576bb9a ee49a16e ... 6bd5e7f7 47f9dd1a };
ProductName = "iPhone OS";
ProductType = "iPhone11,2";
ProductVersion = "15.6.1";
ProductionSOC = 1;
ProtocolVersion = 2;
ProximitySensorCalibration = {length = 144, bytes = 0x7f7a0005 32001e00 45636341 b7310b42 ... 02000000 00000038 };
RegionInfo = "RM/A";
SIMStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusNotInserted;
SIMTrayStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMTrayInsertedNoSIM;
SerialNumber = C39XN41HKPG2;
SoftwareBehavior = {length = 16, bytes = 0x01000000000000000000000000000000};
SoftwareBundleVersion = "";
SupportedDeviceFamilies = (
TelephonyCapability = 1;
TimeIntervalSince1970 = "1662365979.158619";
TimeZone = "Europe/Istanbul";
TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC = 10800;
TrustedHostAttached = 1;
UniqueChipID = 7164766233165870;
UniqueDeviceID = "00008020-00197451223A002E";
UseRaptorCerts = 1;
Uses24HourClock = 0;
WiFiAddress = "a4:d9:31:68:82:e5";
WirelessBoardSerialNumber = F001270E5BF;
"com.apple.mobile.backup" = {
RequiresEncryption = 0;
Version = "2.0";
kCTPostponementStatus = kCTPostponementStatusActivated;
Device Connected AMDevice 0x600003a3c5a0 {UDID = 00008020-00197451223A002E, device ID = 17, location ID = 0x2140000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Created a new Device instance AMDevice 00008020-00197451223A002E | iphone xs
New 'AMDevice 0x600003a3c5a0 {UDID = 00008020-00197451223A002E, device ID = 17, location ID = 0x2140000, product ID = 0x12a8}' appeared for the first time
AMDevice 00008020-00197451223A002E | iphone xs appeared for the first time
Sep 5 11:19:51 idb_companion[8515] : _AMDDeviceAttachedCallbackv3 (thread 0x104ed4580): Device 'AMDevice 0x600003a084b0 {UDID = 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5, device ID = 14, location ID = 0x2130000, product ID = 0x12a8}' attached.
Connecting to AMDevice 0x600003a084b0 {UDID = 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5, device ID = 14, location ID = 0x2130000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Checking whether AMDevice 0x600003a084b0 {UDID = 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5, device ID = 14, location ID = 0x2130000, product ID = 0x12a8} is paired
Sep 5 11:20:33 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 14
Validating Pairing to AMDevice 0x600003a084b0 {UDID = 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5, device ID = 14, location ID = 0x2130000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:21:03 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 14
Starting Session on AMDevice 0x600003a084b0 {UDID = 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5, device ID = 14, location ID = 0x2130000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Stopping Session on AMDevice 0x600003a084b0 {UDID = 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5, device ID = 14, location ID = 0x2130000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:21:41 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 14
Disconnecting from AMDevice 0x600003a084b0 {UDID = 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5, device ID = 14, location ID = 0x2130000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Disconnected from AMDevice 0x600003a084b0 {UDID = 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5, device ID = 14, location ID = 0x2130000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Obtained Device Values {
ActivationState = Activated;
ActivationStateAcknowledged = 1;
BasebandActivationTicketVersion = V2;
BasebandCertId = 524245983;
BasebandChipID = 101;
BasebandKeyHashInformation = {
AKeyStatus = 0;
SKeyHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0xbbefed70 2c2f690f b563db78 d08e327a ... 6913a168 8546056a };
SKeyStatus = 0;
BasebandMasterKeyHash = 8CB15EE4C8002199070D9500BB8FB183B02713A5CA2A6B92DB5E75CE15536182;
BasebandRegionSKU = {length = 64, bytes = 0x00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 };
BasebandSerialNumber = {length = 12, bytes = 0xd3210027a0028e1259ab3806};
BasebandStatus = BBInfoAvailable;
BasebandVersion = "5.03.01";
BluetoothAddress = "40:9c:28:74:3c:4e";
BoardId = 10;
BrickState = 0;
BuildVersion = 19G82;
CPUArchitecture = arm64;
CarrierBundleInfoArray = (
CertID = 524245983;
ChipID = 32789;
ChipSerialNo = {length = 12, bytes = 0xd3210027a0028e1259ab3806};
DeviceClass = iPhone;
DeviceColor = 1;
DeviceName = "iphone 8";
DieID = 4904122574981178;
EthernetAddress = "40:9c:28:74:3c:4f";
FirmwareVersion = "iBoot-7459.140.15";
FusingStatus = 3;
HardwareModel = D201AP;
HardwarePlatform = t8015;
HasSiDP = 1;
HostAttached = 1;
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity = 356759087655693;
IsPaired = 1;
MLBSerialNumber = C7H744430VFJ0WYA0;
MobileSubscriberCountryCode = "";
MobileSubscriberNetworkCode = "";
ModelNumber = MQ6G2;
NonVolatileRAM = {
"auto-boot" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x74727565};
"backlight-level" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x31343938};
"backlight-nits" = {length = 10, bytes = 0x30783030616331623932};
"boot-args" = "";
"com.apple.System.tz0-size" = {length = 9, bytes = 0x307831374343303030};
"fm-activation-locked" = {length = 2, bytes = 0x4e4f};
"fm-spstatus" = {length = 3, bytes = 0x594553};
obliteration = {length = 137, bytes = 0x45414353 20446f6e 65204031 36353937 ... 34303030 3038305d };
"ota-controllerVersion" = {length = 7, bytes = 0x5355532d322e30};
usbcfwflasherResult = {length = 9, bytes = 0x4e6f206572726f7273};
PairRecordProtectionClass = 4;
PartitionType = "GUID_partition_scheme";
PasswordProtected = 0;
PkHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0x1f3f5bdf c592457f dc13aa9a 9b4c447d ... 5a34cfbb 658e5d55 };
ProductName = "iPhone OS";
ProductType = "iPhone10,4";
ProductVersion = "15.6.1";
ProductionSOC = 1;
ProtocolVersion = 2;
ProximitySensorCalibration = {length = 144, bytes = 0x7f7a0005 32001e00 95a97241 fa211c42 ... 02000000 000000d1 };
RegionInfo = "TU/A";
SIMStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusNotInserted;
SIMTrayStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMTrayInsertedNoSIM;
SerialNumber = F72VMQ2LJC67;
SoftwareBehavior = {length = 16, bytes = 0x01040000000000000000000000000000};
SoftwareBundleVersion = "";
SupportedDeviceFamilies = (
TelephonyCapability = 1;
TimeIntervalSince1970 = "1662366090.976553";
TimeZone = "Europe/Istanbul";
TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC = 10800;
TrustedHostAttached = 1;
UniqueChipID = 4904122574981178;
UniqueDeviceID = 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5;
UseRaptorCerts = 1;
Uses24HourClock = 0;
WiFiAddress = "40:9c:28:74:3c:4d";
WirelessBoardSerialNumber = F00CD275CE;
"com.apple.mobile.backup" = {
RequiresEncryption = 0;
Version = "2.0";
kCTPostponementStatus = kCTPostponementStatusActivated;
Device Connected AMDevice 0x600003a084b0 {UDID = 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5, device ID = 14, location ID = 0x2130000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Created a new Device instance AMDevice 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5 | iphone 8
New 'AMDevice 0x600003a084b0 {UDID = 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5, device ID = 14, location ID = 0x2130000, product ID = 0x12a8}' appeared for the first time
AMDevice 415c98561166e6a53b92da7aa9f43ad41e2549e5 | iphone 8 appeared for the first time
Sep 5 11:21:41 idb_companion[8515] : _AMDDeviceAttachedCallbackv3 (thread 0x104ed4580): Device 'AMDevice 0x600003a3c4b0 {UDID = 00008030-001834E21A63802E, device ID = 10, location ID = 0x2112000, product ID = 0x12a8}' attached.
Connecting to AMDevice 0x600003a3c4b0 {UDID = 00008030-001834E21A63802E, device ID = 10, location ID = 0x2112000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Checking whether AMDevice 0x600003a3c4b0 {UDID = 00008030-001834E21A63802E, device ID = 10, location ID = 0x2112000, product ID = 0x12a8} is paired
Sep 5 11:22:21 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 10
Validating Pairing to AMDevice 0x600003a3c4b0 {UDID = 00008030-001834E21A63802E, device ID = 10, location ID = 0x2112000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:22:55 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 10
Starting Session on AMDevice 0x600003a3c4b0 {UDID = 00008030-001834E21A63802E, device ID = 10, location ID = 0x2112000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Stopping Session on AMDevice 0x600003a3c4b0 {UDID = 00008030-001834E21A63802E, device ID = 10, location ID = 0x2112000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Sep 5 11:23:32 idb_companion[8515] : AMDeviceStopSession (thread 0x104ed4580): returned 0x0 for device 10
Disconnecting from AMDevice 0x600003a3c4b0 {UDID = 00008030-001834E21A63802E, device ID = 10, location ID = 0x2112000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Disconnected from AMDevice 0x600003a3c4b0 {UDID = 00008030-001834E21A63802E, device ID = 10, location ID = 0x2112000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Obtained Device Values {
ActivationState = Activated;
ActivationStateAcknowledged = 1;
BasebandActivationTicketVersion = V2;
BasebandCertId = 524245983;
BasebandChipID = 104;
BasebandKeyHashInformation = {
AKeyStatus = 64;
SKeyStatus = 2;
BasebandMasterKeyHash = 1B41607650EBF11C6B39F41CB267DC64C121A9BCF44DBA5D28F55ACC86361BBA366554CD57B4C466055803E1EF81C870;
BasebandRegionSKU = {length = 64, bytes = 0x00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 };
BasebandSerialNumber = {length = 12, bytes = 0x356183b1de5f26fb00000000};
BasebandStatus = BBInfoAvailable;
BasebandVersion = "3.04.01";
BluetoothAddress = "b4:40:a4:31:88:04";
BoardId = 16;
BrickState = 0;
BuildVersion = 19G82;
CPUArchitecture = arm64e;
CarrierBundleInfoArray = (
CertID = 524245983;
ChipID = 32816;
ChipSerialNo = {length = 12, bytes = 0x356183b1de5f26fb00000000};
DeviceClass = iPhone;
DeviceColor = 1;
DeviceName = "k\U0131rm\U0131z\U0131 se";
DieID = 6813545151037486;
EthernetAddress = "b4:40:a4:32:55:6c";
FirmwareVersion = "iBoot-7459.140.15";
FusingStatus = 3;
HardwareModel = D79AP;
HardwarePlatform = t8030;
HasSiDP = 1;
HostAttached = 1;
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity = 356492102215307;
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity2 = 356492102292611;
IsPaired = 1;
MLBSerialNumber = F3Y017500VNMWNMA;
MobileEquipmentIdentifier = 35649210221530;
MobileSubscriberCountryCode = "";
MobileSubscriberNetworkCode = "";
ModelNumber = MX9U2;
NonVolatileRAM = {
"auto-boot" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x74727565};
"backlight-level" = {length = 4, bytes = 0x31353233};
"backlight-nits" = {length = 10, bytes = 0x30783030616261316664};
"boot-args" = "";
bootdelay = {length = 1, bytes = 0x30};
"fm-activation-locked" = {length = 2, bytes = 0x4e4f};
"fm-spstatus" = {length = 3, bytes = 0x594553};
obliteration = {length = 81, bytes = 0x68616e64 6c655f6d 65737361 67653a20 ... 34303030 3038305d };
"ota-controllerVersion" = {length = 7, bytes = 0x5355532d322e30};
usbcfwflasherResult = {length = 9, bytes = 0x4e6f206572726f7273};
PairRecordProtectionClass = 4;
PartitionType = "GUID_partition_scheme";
PasswordProtected = 0;
PkHash = {length = 32, bytes = 0x1f3f5bdf c592457f dc13aa9a 9b4c447d ... 5a34cfbb 658e5d55 };
ProductName = "iPhone OS";
ProductType = "iPhone12,8";
ProductVersion = "15.6.1";
ProductionSOC = 1;
ProtocolVersion = 2;
ProximitySensorCalibration = {length = 144, bytes = 0x7f7a0005 32001e00 46095b41 b7faec41 ... 02000000 000000fd };
RegionInfo = "TU/A";
SIMStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusNotInserted;
SIMTrayStatus = kCTSIMSupportSIMTrayInsertedNoSIM;
SerialNumber = F17CM1E7PLJT;
SoftwareBehavior = {length = 16, bytes = 0x01040000000000000000000000000000};
SoftwareBundleVersion = "";
SupportedDeviceFamilies = (
TelephonyCapability = 1;
TimeIntervalSince1970 = "1662366202.757547";
TimeZone = "Europe/Istanbul";
TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC = 10800;
TrustedHostAttached = 1;
UniqueChipID = 6813545151037486;
UniqueDeviceID = "00008030-001834E21A63802E";
UseRaptorCerts = 1;
Uses24HourClock = 0;
WiFiAddress = "b4:40:a4:31:ea:d8";
WirelessBoardSerialNumber = F001AFE8E39;
"com.apple.mobile.backup" = {
CloudBackupEnabled = 0;
LastiTunesBackupDate = 678088220;
LastiTunesBackupTZ = "GMT+3";
RequiresEncryption = 0;
Version = "2.0";
WillEncrypt = 0;
kCTPostponementStatus = kCTPostponementStatusActivated;
Device Connected AMDevice 0x600003a3c4b0 {UDID = 00008030-001834E21A63802E, device ID = 10, location ID = 0x2112000, product ID = 0x12a8}
Created a new Device instance AMDevice 00008030-001834E21A63802E | kırmızı se
New 'AMDevice 0x600003a3c4b0 {UDID = 00008030-001834E21A63802E, device ID = 10, location ID = 0x2112000, product ID = 0x12a8}' appeared for the first time
AMDevice 00008030-001834E21A63802E | kırmızı se appeared for the first time


It happens sometimes, I couldnt find what causes.

Additional Information

Mac Mini M1 2020 8 GB
Macos Monterey 12.5