
Add support for FlexboxLayoutManager

mnayef95 opened this issue · 3 comments

It's will be nice to support https://github.com/google/flexbox-layout, is there a way to use it now without official support?

Hey @mnayef95 , Litho uses https://yogalayout.com/ to build the UI. Not sure if I understand how would you want to use flexbox here, can you give an example?

@nicous Now I can use something like this

            .gridLayoutInfoFactory { c, _, _, _, _ ->
                GridLayoutInfo(GridLayoutManager(c, 3))

But I can't use something like this:

            .flexboxLayoutInfoFactory { c, _, _, _, _ ->

So I can use them like this:

val component = RecyclerCollectionComponent.create(componentContext)
                .recyclerConfiguration(Grid | Flexbox | Linear | etc...)

Hey @mnayef95, sorry for the delay on this, tbh I did not see your response until now. As you said we don't have that but I think you can probably implement this by creating a configuration for it and the layout info factory.