
oversized-object.js conclusion is incorrect

fullstackren opened this issue · 1 comments

I run the command(memlab run --scenario ~/memlab/scenarios/oversized-object.js)and find the data and graphics are correct, but the conclusion is incorrect(No leaks found, MemLab found 0 leak(s)).


By default, large objects are not flagged as memory leaks since they could be cache created by the web app. However, if you want to identify large objects using MemLab, use the --trace-object-size-above option.

For example, you can set the flag to check objects larger than 1KB:

memlab run --scenario ~/memlab/scenarios/oversized-object.js --trace-object-size-above 1000

MemLab also supports self-defined leak detector with the leakFilter callback.

You can start with marking all objects allocated as leak and then refine the leak detector based on your app:

leakFilter(node, snapshot, leakedNodeIds) {
  return true;

Note: the callback could also be defined in the scenario file.

Please also check out this doc: