RuntimeError: Error during optimization: console log output: dyld[10867]: Symbol not found
adiga96 opened this issue · 0 comments
adiga96 commented
I was initially getting the libtbb.dylib not being found issue. Somehow fixed this and now running into new error while optimizing prophet. Doesn't seem like anyone ran into the "Symbol no found" error yet. Any thoughts?
RuntimeError: Error during optimization: console log output:
dyld[10867]: Symbol not found: __ZN3tbb19task_scheduler_init10initializeEim
Referenced from: <9798289F-BDD9-37AF-B627-42305FFF9083> /opt/homebrew/lib/python3.8/site-packages/prophet/stan_model/prophet_model.bin
Expected in: <8931D445-CB0D-3D5E-8792-D8CDFBC41B4C> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/tbb/2021.11.0/lib/libtbb.12.11.dylib