How to add some new E-commerce holidays for one country
wenyanyy opened this issue · 2 comments
I am a beginner in using Prophet. We are using Prophet to forecast an e-commerce project. Since there are many new e-commerce holidays, I want to add some new e-commerce holidays from 2015 to 2033 to the list. However, the specific holidays vary each year, but the difference is not significant. How should I modify the holiday list? I usually use R, but I am also familiar with Python. Please provide methods for both versions. Additionally, how should I handle holidays in the list that last for 5 days?
Thank you.
If I understand your problem correctly, answers to your question is in the documentation.
If you have holidays or other recurring events that you’d like to model, you must create a dataframe for them.
Here is the link:,_holiday_effects,_and_regressors.html
I am also running up against this sort of thing.
We have code that we would like to add_holidays too IF a certain flag is set
only way to do this currently is like so:
m = Prophet()
if not df.empty:
m = Prophet(holidays=df)
because there is no
adding an empty df to prophet results in a throw so i think add_holidays would be a useful addition
if implemented we could then just
if not df.empty: