
undefined is not a function(evaluating '_iterator[typeof Symbol === "function"?Symbol.iterator:"@@iterator"]()')

hzuhyb opened this issue · 29 comments

I used "for(let...of...){}" to traverse a Map object at react-native,I got this error.
it's working perfectly for IOS and android debug mode, but not working for android normal mode.

wx20170912-162205 2x

When using remote debugging you use chrome for running JS code. It's a bit different.

@radko93 thank you for your reply, I know this difference, but how I fix this, whether I need to do some compatibility handling or whether i can not use "for(let...of...){}" to traverse a Map object at react-native?

I had the same problem a few days back and I think I solved it with an babel preset. I used
["react-native-stage-0", "react-native-stage-0/decorator-support"]

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@huangtubiao Have you solved this yet?

@luoyushouchai i solved it by using other traversal methods, you also solve it with an babel preset.

@huangtubiao @TheNoim
How should I do to change this?
I tried : npm install babel-preset-react-native-stage-0 --save
and then modify .babelrc in root project : { "presets": ["react-native-stage-0"] }
It still not work!

Ok.. so React Native internal code is now using for..of iterators -- and they don't work for me!

Edit: the following does work, though it doesn't explain why I have to apply this fix myself.

import 'core-js/es6/map'
import 'core-js/es6/symbol'
import 'core-js/fn/symbol/iterator'

Edit 2: Just kidding, that doesn't work either.

@lwansbrough when you say that doesn't work either, are you getting a runtime error to the effect of Incompatible receiver, Map required!? If so, check out a possible solution here zloirock/core-js#368

@ericketts as you said, I got this mistake at different computer machine and I haven't found a good solution yet.
Incompatible receiver, Map required!

Sorry that was meant to contain a link directly to the comment which specifies a (temporary) fix. Fixed the link now.

the main issue here is that Symbol is not implemented in Android.

you have to manually polyfill Symbol and methods that accepts Symbol.iterator.

In my case, a third party library was causing a crash since it uses for-of loop.

Here's my solution:

if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
  if (typeof Symbol === 'undefined') {
    logger.info('Polyfilling Symbol on Android');
    logger.info('Polyfilling Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator] on Android');
    if (Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator] === undefined) {
      Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
        let i = 0;
        return {
          next: () => ({
            done: i >= this.length,
            value: this[i++],

In my case. I had to polyfill Array[Symbol.iterator] to return a Iterator protocol:


@vafada I tried your approach but now i'm getting:

Any ideas? Did you have to add any additional packages?

@Seddy24 I've seen that error when I imported

import 'core-js/es6/symbol'
import 'core-js/fn/symbol/iterator'

Make sure you dont import those libraries.

The fix above requires you to add es6-symbol in your package.json

The simplest way to fix the

undefined is not a function(evaluating '_iterator[typeof Symbol === "function"?Symbol.iterator:"@@iterator"]()')

error without any libraries is to do:

if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
  if (typeof Symbol === 'undefined') {
    if (Array.prototype['@@iterator'] === undefined) {
      Array.prototype['@@iterator'] = function() {
        let i = 0;
        return {
          next: () => ({
            done: i >= this.length,
            value: this[i++],

Add the poly fill in your index.js or whatever is your App's entry point

@vafada Thanks that worked. I had to create a brand new app as I couldn't get it to work with what I had but I'm working on a POC anyway so thanks!!

@Seddy24 no reason to reinvent the wheel, corejs is great (and already included as a dependency of react-native). try this:

// symbol polyfills
global.Symbol = require('core-js/es6/symbol');

// collection fn polyfills

for whatever reason react-native on android is shipping an old as shit version of JSC, one that doesn't have support for language features that current react version needs to work 🙄

@ericketts Thanks for the additional information. I'm new to react / react native, trying to rewrite my Xamarin app and loving react native so far!! Any additional tips are welcome!!

I dont know but probably doing something wrong, copy/paste from @ericketts is not working in my app :( had to rewrite to for of to for

@ivanpagac try pinning corejs to version 2.5.2 (this can be easily accomplished using yarn, if you're using npm still I'd say switch to yarn)

as a more permanent solution to this issue, I'd advise updating the JSC version that ships with android so that the functionality presently being pollyfilled is implemented natively.

@ericketts Thanks for that! The solution with updating the JSC version works.

@ivanpagac glad to hear it! Really extremely puzzling to me why RN continues to ship a super outdated JSC.

@ericketts into which file exactly does the code you mentioned above go?

`// symbol polyfills
global.Symbol = require('core-js/es6/symbol');

// collection fn polyfills

Thank you`

@Calsowah I created a file polyfill.js, and require it in the index.js or app.js file before requireing any other dependencies (note I said requireing, not importing, as the semantics of require are easier to reason about, and to guarantee ordering of imports).

Edit: also for blocks of code, you need 3 backticks on their own line to start and end the block, like so:

const x = 4;

which becomes

const x = 4;

@ericketts I did as you suggested but I'm getting the following error

If polyfilling Array.prototype['@@iterator'] does not fix the issue, you might need to polyfill String.prototype['@@iterator'] as well.

@ericketts Thanks for the upgrading JSC tip. Works flawlessly!

The JSC in Android was updated in December, and it will be part of the 0.59 release.