
Polyfill ES6 Symbol

atom992 opened this issue ยท 27 comments

Hi, my env:
react-native-cli : 0.1.7
react-native : 0.16.0
react-native-icons: 0.7.0

when I run my app ,I got the following error:

E/ReactNativeJS( 2973): Can't find variable: Symbol

but the Example of react-native-icons works fine.

Hey atom992, thanks for reporting this issue!

React Native, as you've probably heard, is getting really popular and truth is we're getting a bit overwhelmed by the activity surrounding it. There are just too many issues for us to manage properly.

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@atom992 Probably you've some code using ES2015 Symbols? Can you share your code?

@atom992 you are probably having the same problem as me in #4587 try removing all instances of for of in your code.

skevy commented

@atom992 @DanielHoffmann I actually just ran into this issue on iOS 8. I personally just used the babel-polyfill (http://babeljs.io/docs/usage/polyfill/) to fix it...there are other Symbol polyfills that may be smaller (since babel-polyfill polyfills lots of things). Use at your discretion and let us know if it fixes it!

vjeux commented

Our goal with React Native is to provide a consistent js environment across all the platforms. We should polyfill it. @skevy want to take on this task?

TaskRabbit also hit this issue because IOS 9 has Symbol but not IOS 7 and 8: http://tech.taskrabbit.com/blog/2015/12/17/react-native-launch/

any update?

skevy commented

So, I'm sure I can bring in a symbol polyfill easy enough...but does anyone know of anything else that should be polyfilled on anything less than ios 8?

I am running on android 5.0.1 emulator, when I run as "debug in chrome",this error will not show,but when I run on real device, when ever I run as "debug in chrome" or not, I always show the error.

when I run my real device(with ./gradlew installRelease) I got the following error:

I/ReactNativeJS(31911): Running application "Myapp" with appParams: {"initialProps":{},"rootTag":1}. __DEV__ === false, development-level warning are OFF, performance optimizations are ON
E/ReactNativeJS(31911): Can't find variable: Symbol

I've used this polyfill and it fixed my problem:

ide commented

#5294 (comment)

Here's the plan:

  1. Import the babel-plugin-symbol-member transform that we have internally: https://gist.github.com/vjeux/2715c9687653547037b0

It just replaces Symbol.iterator with typeof Symbol.iterator === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator' which makes for..of work. No need to include a 24kb polyfill since the only use case is to have this variable set.

  1. Update the JavaScript environment docs to say that we support for..of and mention the existence of this "polyfill". http://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/javascript-environment.html#content

This happens on android for me too, like @atom992 says.

I'm getting this with for ... of loops, but also when using .includes on an array, which I figured would not be a problem. Went back to indexOf for now.

@zackify - want to submit a PR based on the plan that @ide quoted above? :) shouldn't be too hard

@brentvatne I will have to figure out how to add that transform. I will try tomorrow night!

skevy commented

@zackify don't bother...just did some more investigation into that plan...see my comments on #5294 (comment) -- and leave your thoughts if you have anything to add! :)

@ide How Do I use this plugin?
I need it urgently. Thanks.

ide commented

@babbarankit it's not super simple if you're not familiar with babel... if this is time-sensitive for you, I recommend hiring a consultant who can help you for this one task

Hi there! This issue is being closed because it has been inactive for a while.

But don't worry, it will live on with ProductPains! Check out its new home: https://productpains.com/post/react-native/polyfill-es6-symbol

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Also, if this issue is a bug, please consider sending a pull request with a fix.
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afilp commented

Hello, this is closed, but is it fixed somehow? Our app fails because we are using the ES2015 "for of" construct.

Same here. Our Application crashes on Android because of the for ... of loops.

Just import 'core-js' on Android.

Why not just automatically import 'core-js' for every Android project?

@linonetwo core-js has a lot of things and it'll slow down the initial load since we've to parse the extra unnecessary stuff now. You should manually import only the things you need from core-js

The following worked for me:

// index.android.js
import 'core-js/es6/symbol';
import 'core-js/fn/symbol/iterator';

However, this unfortunately caused other issues with other parts of my app.

@joncursi by adding this polyfill, the BackHandler subscription works again for me:
import "core-js/es6/set";