Error in compiler polyfill, using React 18
kingsurf opened this issue · 1 comments
kingsurf commented
I have react 18 installed, I can see the compiler is running against my source code however during runtime this code
// Re-export React.c if present, otherwise fallback to the userspace polyfill for versions of React
// < 19.
export const c =
// @ts-expect-error
typeof React.__COMPILER_RUNTIME?.c === 'function'
? // @ts-expect-error
: function c(size: number) {
return React.useMemo<Array<unknown>>(() => {
const $ = new Array(size);
for (let ii = 0; ii < size; ii++) {
$[ii] = $empty;
// This symbol is added to tell the react devtools that this array is from
// useMemoCache.
// @ts-ignore
$[$empty] = true;
return $;
}, []);
When it reaches React.useMemo I get the error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'useMemo')
at Object.useMemo (react.development.js:1650:21)
at c2 (index.ts:31:22)
at AppRoutes (Routes.tsx:121:26)
at App.tsx:14:36`
The offending code is the dispatcher being null
function useMemo(create, deps) {
var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();
return dispatcher.useMemo(create, deps);
I am using vite with the babel-plugin-react-compiler plugin targeting React 18
babel: {
plugins: [["babel-plugin-react-compiler", ReactCompilerConfig]],
josephsavona commented
Thanks for reporting. The most likely cause for this error is that the compiler accidentally compiled something that is not a component or hook, and which is getting called outside of a React render. Is it possible to share the code that got compiled and was calling into the runtime? Or create a smaller repro that you can share? Thanks!