
Bug: React 19 Build Error Report

epicRipper opened this issue · 2 comments

React 19 Build Error Report

React version

I'm using React 19

Steps To Reproduce

  1. First, I cloned the React 19 source code from its official repository using the standard git clone command.

  2. After that, I navigated to the cloned directory in the terminal and ran the yarn install command to install all the necessary dependencies for the project.

  3. Then, I executed the yarn run build command to start the build process of the React 19 source code.
    However, during the build process, an error occurred. The detailed error message is as follows:


Link to code example

Since it's the React 19 source code itself that I'm building, I'm unable to provide a separate external code example link at the moment. The error occurs during the standard build process of the cloned React 19 source code following the steps mentioned above.

The current behavior

When running the yarn run build command after cloning the code and installing dependencies, the build process fails with the SyntaxError shown above. Specifically, the rollup-plugin-flow-remove-types plugin encounters an issue while parsing the react-dom-client.development.js file, deeming an expression at line 68, column 5 as invalid. This halts the entire build process for React 19, preventing the successful generation of the expected build output.

The expected behavior

The expected behavior is that when I follow these steps (cloning the code, installing dependencies, and running yarn run build), the build process for React 19 should complete without any errors. The rollup-plugin-flow-remove-types plugin should be able to correctly parse the react-dom-client.development.js file and perform its intended operations smoothly, allowing the build to finish successfully and produce the necessary files for React 19 as intended.

have you edited anything in the codebase @epicRipper

No, I haven't modified any source code in the codebase :(