
dedup blocks makes compression less efficient

shiqicao opened this issue · 5 comments

aftering add dedup block after InterDex pass, some thing interesting has been observed,

apk size is increased by 0.066%, but uncompressed dex files size are decreased, but compressed dex files size is increased. DedupBlocksPass is placed after InterDex.

base dedup_block
apk_size 153546207 153647225(0.066%)
dex_size 116377384 115970356(-0.350%)
dex_compressed_size 42340172 42441213(0.239%)

Any ideas?

DedupBlocksPass and InterDexPass are doing completely different things, they are orthogonal. You could swap the order and I'd expect the exact same result.

The decreased (uncompressed) dex size is generally expected.

The compressed size increase is a bit surprising indeed. There could be an interaction with a pass that runs later, or it could just be a strange interaction between deduping your particular code and the deflate compression algorithm. To see if there's a significant interaction with later passes, look if any reported metrics in the redex.stats file change in a surprising way for any pass that runs after DedupBlocksPass.

The list I posted in #735 roughly follows the order which we've found most beneficial, optimizing for both APK and (uncompressed) dex size on disk.

I tried putting DedupBlocksPass as the last one, result is still the same. I attached our list. The pass seems correctly find profitable blocks from the output of dex-insights. My unverified theory is that compression algorithm compresses eliminated blocks very well, the size of compressed removed blocks is less than the size of compressed added code.

base dedup_block ANNOTATIONS_DIRECTORY_ITEM 107015 107015 0 2659440 2659440 0
base dedup_block ANNOTATION_ELEMENT 157535 157535 0 1964644 1964644 0
base dedup_block ANNOTATION_ITEM 150106 150106 0 2638250 2638250 0
base dedup_block ANNOTATION_OFF_ITEM 264316 264316 0 1057264 1057264 0
base dedup_block ANNOTATION_SET_ITEM 150123 150123 0 1657756 1657756 0
base dedup_block ANNOTATION_SET_REF_ITEM 4234 4234 0 16936 16936 0
base dedup_block ANNOTATION_SET_REF_LIST 1091 1091 0 21300 21300 0
base dedup_block CLASS_DATA_ITEM 162081 162081 0 7546543 7545538 -1005
base dedup_block CLASS_DEF 162096 162096 0 5187072 5187072 0
base dedup_block CODE_ITEM 758671 758671 0 57467523 57102996 -364527
base dedup_block DEBUG_INFO_ITEM 5700 5691 -9 3196050 3154002 -42048
base dedup_block DEX 17 17 0 1904 1904 0
base dedup_block ENCODED_ANNOTATION 152094 152094 0 2526397 2526397 0
base dedup_block ENCODED_ARRAY 78233 78233 0 1209300 1209300 0
base dedup_block ENCODED_ARRAY_ITEM 503 503 0 4241 4241 0
base dedup_block ENCODED_CATCH_HANDLER 46122 45710 -412 181889 179790 -2099
base dedup_block ENCODED_CATCH_HANDLER_LIST 33244 33244 0 215133 213034 -2099
base dedup_block ENCODED_FIELD 366712 366712 0 1040553 1040553 0
base dedup_block ENCODED_METHOD 812956 812956 0 5857562 5856557 -1005
base dedup_block ENCODED_PRIMITIVE 443906 443906 0 1326553 1326553 0
base dedup_block ENCODED_TYPE_ADDR_PAIR 27027 26702 -325 105702 104280 -1422
base dedup_block FIELD_ANNOTATION 52609 52609 0 420872 420872 0
base dedup_block FIELD_ID 444339 444339 0 3554712 3554712 0
base dedup_block HEADER_ITEM 17 17 0 1904 1904 0
base dedup_block MAP_ITEM 278 278 0 3336 3336 0
base dedup_block MAP_LIST 17 17 0 3608 3608 0
base dedup_block METHOD_ANNOTATION 64252 64252 0 514016 514016 0
base dedup_block METHOD_ID 1056224 1056224 0 8449792 8449792 0
base dedup_block PARAMETER_ANNOTATION 1539 1539 0 12312 12312 0
base dedup_block PROTO_ID 196960 196960 0 2363520 2363520 0
base dedup_block STRING_DATA_ITEM 691894 691894 0 15387171 15387171 0
base dedup_block STRING_ID 691894 691894 0 2767576 2767576 0
base dedup_block TRY_ITEM 54444 52387 -2057 435552 419096 -16456
base dedup_block TYPE_ID 293652 293652 0 1174608 1174608 0
base dedup_block TYPE_LIST 136320 136320 0 1446876 1446876 0
base dedup_block TYPE_LIST_ITEM 370812 370812 0 741624 741624 0

Another 2 questions I'd like to ask

  1. is there any pass after DedupBlocksPass, which can "cleanup" the added code by DedupBlocksPass?
  2. what do you set for block_split_min_opcode_count?
  1. DedupBlocks doesn't really add any code (except gotos to common code), so there's no pass to remove anything further. We also run it as one of the last passes, like you show it.
  2. We leave it at 1.

My unverified theory is that compression algorithm compresses eliminated blocks very well, the size of compressed removed blocks is less than the size of compressed added code.

There's certainly some truth to that.

We do run DedupBlocks more than once, you could try to see if it makes things better if you sprinkle it in somewhere earlier. DedupBlocks also runs as part of the ShrinkerPass, and MethodInlinePass, and IntraDexInlinePass.

At the end, there are some passes you want to run after RegAllocPass in a particular order to clean things up. As outlined in my earlier post, this is the exact order in which we run the final passes:


Thank you! After adding ReduceGotosPass after DedupStringPass, now DedupStringPass decreases package size.