Internal type errors upgrading from 16.1.0 to 16.2.0 with flow and clientSchemaExtensions
matclayton opened this issue · 2 comments
Creating issues for Relay
When upgrading from Relay 16.1.0 to 16.2.0 (and 0.0.0-main-87bd0f5b) we see new flow errors. We're running flow 0.190.1, so its quite old.
There are 9 errors and they are all essentially the same as the one below. These to me appear to be internal to Relay, however I would value any advice on if these are a bug in relay or flow, and how to get past them.
I realize we're on quite an old version of flow at this point, but LTI has been very tricky for us to upgrade past, so its not a realistic option in the short term.
I assume you've upgraded both the runtime and compiler packages and rebuilt?
Can you share a paste of the full error message? We don't officially support older versions of Flow, so your best bet if it is related the Flow versions, will be to find a workaround.
Thanks for the response, yes we updated all the packages and cleared out and rebuilt.
Heres a dpaste of the whole error:
Sadly github is butchering the paste in the comments