lrucache: the usage of rocksdb lrucache is much higher than the capacity
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gaoxingguang commented
Block cache LRUCache@0x3b96290#415466
capacity: 16.00 GB usage: 103.81 GB table_size: 2097152 occupancy: 111461102504 collections: 1322 last_copies: 2598 last_secs: 0.595776 secs_since: 120
Block cache entry stats(count,size,portion): FilterBlock(701383,88.16 GB,550.997%) IndexBlock(701383,7.67 GB,47.9331%) WriteBuffer(32187,7.86 GB,49.1135%) Misc(1,0.00 KB,0%)
In my system, the usage of RocksDB LRUCache is far greater than its capacity. Is this a bug or are there issues with some of my parameter settings?