
Cookie file every minute

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I get these files showing up in my Downloads folder every minute and I don't know why. Are these generated by Watchman?


The files are named .watchman-cookie-<host>-506-<number>, where <host> is the name of my PC and <number> is a sequential number that starts at 0 every time I delete them all.

@nullromo did you ever figure out how to stop these being generated or pick a better folder for them to be in?

Unfortunately the only solution I have right now is that I put this line in my .bashrc:

rm -v /mnt/c/Users/me/AppData/Roaming/wsltty/.watchman-cookie-hostname-* | tee >(wc -l); rm -v /mnt/c/Users/me/Downloads/.watchman-cookie-hostname-* | tee >(wc -l)

It's really annoying and hacky, but at least it works kinda. Still have no idea what thing on my computer even uses watchman...

watchman debug-status might show what are using watchman.

Those cookie files are generated on query by design and usually deleted by watchman automatically once it observes the cookie file creation event.

If you enable debug logs, then check the logs, it might show why the cookie files weren't deleted (like permission issues, or if there were an overflow of fsevents events).