
Xcode fails with "Code Sign Error"

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello there,

I compiled and installed the FBKVOController.framework, and I linked it in my own app, everything is OK when I didn't code sign my app:


When I didn't code sign my app, everything works.

BUT when I code sign this app with my Mac Developer ID, the Xcode fails with "Code Sign Error":

For details:

I have tried to solve this problem through asking the Google and StackOverflow, look here and here. Not surprisingly: lot of people encountered such error. But most of them encountered this error after upgrading to Yosemite or other situations (for example, certificates expired). My certificates is up-to-date and everything is OK except coding sign this app.

Has anyone encountered the same issue? Any ideas as to what I could be missing here?

Huh, I got it! I forgot to code sign the FBKVOController.framework with codesign tool.🐫🔥