
Atom selects wrong language for all flow files

Arilas opened this issue · 2 comments

For all files with @flow annotation Atom selects Flow JavaScript language that doesn't work with this plugin.

When I manually switch to JavaScript everything works, but it's impossible to do this every time when I open the file.

So I have:

  1. 1.32.0 x64
  2. Debian 8
  3. Flow 0.82
  4. Plugins: atom-ide-ui@0.13.0 and ide-flowtype@0.23.1

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Clean installation of Atom
  2. Install my plugins
  3. Open any file with annotation /** @flow */

That’s caused by treesitter grammars (that’s enabled by default in Atom 1.32).

Please change Atom settings (uncheck using Treesitter Grammars)

I ended up here because flow in the UI broke completely with 1.32.1 – for other that come here it seems as though disabling Tree-Sitter made the flow errors show up in the UI again.