
Getting double-notifications

djmitche opened this issue · 4 comments

Recently the buildbot/buildbot project has started getting double mention-bot notices on our PR's, for example buildbot/buildbot#2297.

I only see one webhook in the settings for the repository, though.

Any idea what's wrong?

vjeux commented

This is weird, thanks for the report, I'll investigate.

vjeux commented

I checked and we receive two http requests about each pull request. So it's something on the github side. Could you remove the webhook, try a pull request and maybe re-add it if it doesn't fix it. (The old reboot the computer technique and prays it works)

I looked at the logs and you are the only project I could see that behaves like this fyi.

Oh, ugh, there's an org hook and a repo hook. Sorry about that!

vjeux commented

Cool, glad you figured it out :)