
Mention bot not ignoring file blacklists

cdrage opened this issue · 0 comments

For some reason fileBlacklist doesn't seem to ignore markdown files. Does this have to be per directory?

See: https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose/blob/master/.mention-bot

  "numFilesToCheck": 10,
  "message": "@pullRequester, thank you for the pull request! We'll ping some people to review your PR. @reviewers, please review this.",
  "fileBlacklist": ["*.md"],
  "userBlacklist": ["ngtuna", "janetkuo", "sebgoa"],
  "actions": ["opened", "labeled"],
  "skipAlreadyMentionedPR": true,
  "createReviewRequest": true

Does this have to be:

  "fileBlacklist": ["*.md", "/docs/*.md"],
