
ratings?fields=open_graph_story doesn't return all stories anymore

Opened this issue · 1 comments


I noticed that ratings?fields=open_graph_story doesn't return all stories as it used to be.
I tried to fetch data through php code and Graph API Explorer, both return same result

this is my php code:
$facebook->sendRequest('GET', $Pageid.'/ratings', ['fields' => 'open_graph_story,rating'])->getDecodedBody();

and it returns

"data": [
"open_graph_story": {"id": "xxxxxxxxxxx"},
"rating": 5
"open_graph_story": {"id": "xxxxxxxxxxx",},
"rating": 5
"rating": 5
"rating": 5
"rating": 5
"rating": 5
"open_graph_story": {"id": "xxxxxxxxxxx"},
"rating": 5
"rating": 5

the page has 8 ratings, but only 3 ratings returned with open_graph_story.
any reason why it doesn't return all stories?

I notice that no story returned for ratings older than dec 2018.

@mhkita all reviews(recommendations) created before August 2018 not have these fields