
May not work in latest Sublime?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I just updated Sublime Text to build 3065 and got this error:

screen shot 2014-08-29 at 2 31 56 pm

Also updated was the “Better CoffeeScript” package, so maybe there is some sort of conflict there?

@alanhogan are you still facing this issue? You may need to restart ST.

CJSX is totally borked in ST for me, despite multiple system restarts. i actually switched to Atom to deal with this.

@alanhogan your having the same issues as us? #42

Seemed different @jenskanis but I have not tried Sublime in months

This package no longer provides syntax highlighting, and has been superseded by the babel/babel-sublime package.
Since Babel unfortunately does not support CoffeeScript, I recommend that someone set up a new repo+package to maintain CoffeeScript separately (it could be you! :)
Thank you for your understanding.