
Consider wrapping jsx return to jshint ignore comments.

sudodoki opened this issue · 3 comments

Are there a lot of developers who are constantly linting their code? Maybe, something like this

  render: function() {
    /* jshint ignore:start */
    return (
      <div />
    /* jshint ignore:end */

should be in component skeleton? Just a proposal, it doesn't kill me to add those manually.

Hmm, I think this may be a bit too specific to your workflow to force everyone into it. Maybe it could be a configurable, opt-in feature? I'd be interested in hearing from other devs about their jshint strategy.

I really dislike this approach. It makes JSHint useless.

For example, if you're using other components inside render, JSHint will report their types as unused variables. It will also ignore mistakes inside your render.

There are much better ways to skin that cat: use JSXHint or run JSHint in a Gulp task after running code through React transformer.

I agree that JSXHint is the way to go here.