
suggestion: add example + usage in the README

mimoo opened this issue · 1 comments

mimoo commented

Just a suggestion, but it's good practice to add a very short example in the README so people can have an idea of what it looks like. It also should be straight forward how to install + use the tool. Right now I found https://github.com/facebookexperimental/MIRAI/blob/main/documentation/InstallationGuide.md on how to install, but I'm still searching for how to run MIRAI itself

EDIT: ended up finding it here https://github.com/facebookexperimental/MIRAI/blob/main/documentation/Overview.md#how-to-use-mirai (suggestion here would be to have a "usage" section as it's quite common, and use codeblocks for the commands as they stand out)

I'd be happy to review and approve a PR that does makes the README look exactly how you expect it to look. :-)