
MIRAI does not complain about missing tag in some cases

andrew-lee-work opened this issue · 3 comments


With "--paranoid", MIRAI does not complain about a missing tag when it is in fact missing.

Steps to Reproduce

Call cargo check to check the functions check_tag and check_tag_2, in the code below, using RUSTC_WRAPPER='mirai'and MIRAI_FLAGS='--diag=paranoid --single_func={function_to_check}.

use contracts::*;
use mirai_annotations::*;

use mirai_annotations::{TagPropagation, TagPropagationSet};

pub struct TaintedKind<const MASK: TagPropagationSet> {}

pub const TAINTED_MASK: TagPropagationSet = tag_propagation_set!(TagPropagation::SubComponent);

pub type Tainted = TaintedKind<TAINTED_MASK>;
pub type Tainted = ();

pub struct SanitizedKind<const MASK: TagPropagationSet> {}

pub const SANITIZED_MASK: TagPropagationSet = tag_propagation_set!(TagPropagation::SubComponent);

pub type Sanitized = SanitizedKind<SANITIZED_MASK>;
pub type Sanitized = ();

pub type Authorized = SanitizedKind<SANITIZED_MASK>;
pub type Authorized = ();

pub struct AuthorizedWrapper<T>(pub T);

fn try_authorize<'a>(id: &'a u64) -> Option<AuthorizedWrapper<&'a u64>> {
    if id % 10 < 5 {
        return None
    } else {
        let authorized = AuthorizedWrapper(id);
        let result = Some(authorized);
        add_tag!(&result, Authorized);

fn is_authorized(id: &u64) -> bool {
    5 <= id % 10

pub fn check_tag() {
    let id = 6;

    if let Some(aa) = try_authorize(&id) {

pub fn check_tag_2() {
    let id = 6;

    if is_authorized(&id) {
        //add_tag!(&id, Authorized);

#[requires(has_tag!(id, Authorized))]
fn sanity_check(id: &AuthorizedWrapper<&u64>) {
    precondition!(has_tag!(id, Authorized));
    verify!(has_tag!(id, Authorized));

#[requires(has_tag!(id, Authorized))]
fn sanity_check_2(id: &u64) {
    precondition!(has_tag!(id, Authorized));
    verify!(has_tag!(id, Authorized));

Expected Behavior

There should be a warning or error message at sanity_check_2 about the missing tag.

In contrast, note that check_tag() behaves as expected when I remove the add_tag line in try_authorize. Also note that in sanity_check, if the add_tag! in try_authorize is removed, all three annotations individually will raise a warning if the others are commented out.

Actual Results

No errors or warnings about missing tags are produced.


Rust version (rustc --version)
rustc 1.52.0-nightly (e37a13cc3 2021-02-28)

mirai --version
MIRAI v1.0.5rustc 1.52.0-nightly (e37a13cc3 2021-02-28)

In sanity_check_2, the precondition puts the onus on the caller to add the tag to id. Thus, given the precondition, the verify! has to succeed. Try removing the precondtion.

Also note that #[requires ..] is an alternative syntax for precondition!, so you would have either the one or the other, but not both.

I reduced the test case to the following:

use mirai_annotations::*;

pub struct SanitizedKind<const MASK: TagPropagationSet> {}
pub const SANITIZED_MASK: TagPropagationSet = tag_propagation_set!(TagPropagation::SubComponent);
pub type Authorized = SanitizedKind<SANITIZED_MASK>;

fn is_authorized(id: &u64) -> bool {
    5 <= id % 10

pub fn check_tag_2() {
    let id = 6;

    if is_authorized(&id) {
        // add_tag!(&id, Authorized);

fn sanity_check_2(id: &u64) {
    precondition!(has_tag!(id, Authorized));
    verify!(has_tag!(id, Authorized));

pub fn main() {}

and got this output:

warning: possible unsatisfied precondition
  --> tests/run-pass/tag_repro.rs:16:9
16 |         sanity_check_2(&id)
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: related location
  --> tests/run-pass/tag_repro.rs:21:5
21 |     precondition!(has_tag!(id, Authorized));
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: this warning originates in a macro (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: 1 warning emitted

Uncommenting the add_tag! causes the diagnostic to go away.

I believe this is correct behavior.

@hermanventer I got a different result than you and I figured out that it is because I was using --single_func. The target of --single_func was omitted in my original post because I thought it wouldn't matter. I've reproduced the issue below with your simplified test.

use mirai_annotations::*;

pub struct SanitizedKind<const MASK: TagPropagationSet> {}
pub const SANITIZED_MASK: TagPropagationSet = tag_propagation_set!(TagPropagation::SubComponent);
pub type Authorized = SanitizedKind<SANITIZED_MASK>;

fn is_authorized(id: &u64) -> bool {
    5 <= id % 10

pub fn check_tag_2() {
    let id = 6;

    if is_authorized(&id) {
        // add_tag!(&id, Authorized);

fn sanity_check_2(id: &u64) {
    precondition!(has_tag!(id, Authorized));
    verify!(has_tag!(id, Authorized));

pub fn main() {}

fn single_func_to_check() {

If I use export MIRAI_FLAGS="--diag=paranoid --single_func=single_func_to_check", I don't get warning: possible unsatisfied precondition. However, if I either drop the --single_func or I use --single_func=check_tag_2 then I get the same result as you.

Also note that if I add a line verify!(false);, then --single_func=single_func_to_check will catch that.