
Meet the errors when run osc_cli command

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi Guys,
When I run the osc command, I got the below errors:
ERROR 2017-05-25 09:55:57.633 NOT_RBR_SAFE: Running OSC with RBR is not safe for a non-FB MySQL version. You will need to either have "sql_log_bin_triggers" supported and enabled, or disable RBR before running OSC
I find that because I use the mysql community version, not the facebook, so does't have sql_log_bin_triggers parameter.
Can you modify the is_trigger_rbr_safe function in core/lib/payload/copy.py to avoid this issue?

Thank you.

Hi @lynch0227,

Thanks for the report. Currently OSC doesn't support running on community version when RBR is enabled. The detailed reason behind it can be find in this wiki Q&A session
Before we adding support for this combination, it's safer to avoid running in such environment.

Feature request created for this: #11
Closing this issue for now, since this is expected with current implementation and explained in the wiki.