
Vendor Dependencies

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Considering modern go versions have vendor support, it would be easy to set this up instead of listing them explicitly.

It would add bloat to the codebase but it would make it easier to install for other users.

The requirement chapter is redundant and you don't really need to run those go get commands. I put them just to clearly state what are the dependencies to build dhcplb. You really don't need vendor support to be honest.

go get github.com/facebookincubator/dhcplb will recurse thru dependencies, fetch & compile them, then put sources and binaries into your $GOPATH/src and $GOPATH/bin dirs. As soon as you do that you will have dhcplb in your PATH (supposing your $PATH is properly set)


$ echo $GOPATH
$ rm -rf ~/go/src/*
$ rm -rf ~/go/bin/dhcplb
$ go get github.com/facebookincubator/dhcplb
$ which dhcplb
$ ls /Users/pallotron/go/src/github.com/
facebookincubator   fsnotify        golang          hashicorp       krolaw
$ ls /Users/pallotron/go/src/golang.org/x/
net sys time

If you want to develop it you will just need to fork this repo, then replace the go get with a git clone, then go install from the root dir of the project.