
APK size increases a lot when using this library

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I followed the tutorial that can be found here to use this lib on my Android app.

I was able to include the lib successfully, but I perceived that the release .apk and .aab size increased a lot (5mb +).

Is there any "trick" to greatly reduce this?

Thank you :)

cuva commented

Hey @augusto-carmo

I imagine you've thus enabled the abi split as per the suggestion in the docs you've referenced?

Hello, @cuva.

Thank you for the reply :)

Yes, I enabled the abi split as the docs suggested :)

Hey @augusto-carmo, you can reduce apk size by clean code.

By going in Gradle in right side of Android Studio. Because, I am unable to see any particular reason to increase your apk size.

You can check image for reference