Presto fuzzer failure: Map is not orderable type
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Failure found when testing velox_expression_fuzzer_test
in CI.
Error Reproduction
E20241115 04:04:50.452534 71 Exceptions.h:66] Line: /__w/velox/velox/velox/velox/vector/ComplexVector.cpp:1232, Function:compare, Expression: flags.nullAsValue() || flags.equalsOnly Map is not orderable type, Source: RUNTIME, ErrorCode: INVALID_STATE
E20241115 04:04:50.453199 71 ExpressionVerifier.cpp:217] Common eval: VeloxRuntimeErrors other than UNSUPPORTED_INPUT_UNCATCHABLE error are not allowed.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'facebook::velox::VeloxRuntimeError'
what(): Exception: VeloxRuntimeError
Error Source: RUNTIME
Reason: Map is not orderable type
Retriable: False
Expression: flags.nullAsValue() || flags.equalsOnly
Context: gte(__a0, __a1)
Additional Context: Top-level Expression: transform_keys(c5, (__a0, __a1) -> gte(__a0, __a1))
Function: compare
File: /__w/velox/velox/velox/velox/vector/ComplexVector.cpp
Line: 1232
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@kevinwilfong Thanks for the fix!