
docker start fail

adrianhsm opened this issue · 6 comments

  1. docker start should also specify the volumn binding of directory, that is add "-v torchserve:/home", or start in readme will fail as no config file is found
  2. the mar file should also copy to torchserve/torchserve/model-store

hi, I changed the torch to torch==2.0.0, and also tried torch==2.0.1, it still didn't work.
Before that I also changed <RUN mim install mmcv-full==1.7.0> to .

Did you find a way to work it out?

could you show the failure log?

Sure, I attached the docker logs for the touchserver, but it's very long..
Thank you so much!

I see this error before, I guess you should not change the mmcv version

as I post in another issue:
Change mmcv to 1.7.2 may lead the success of the building, but fail during runnig

need not to bind any directory actually