
caffe2 missing?

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I was wondering if anyone has had any luck installing/setting up the Clinical Trial Parser recently? I keep running into an error stating that caffe2 cannot be found when trying to run the ie_parse.sh file as described in the developer notes...

I've tried various ways of trying to set things up, including using different CUDA versions, Python versions, GPU/CPU versions of Pytorch, different OS (Windows/Ubuntu) and others but still haven't been successful.

Any suggestions or potential solutions?

Encountered same error, and solved by installing torch and torchtext in the following version.

$ pip install -U torch==1.4
$ pip install -U torchtext==0.5

The issue might have been that $ pip install torchtext installs torchtext=0.14; thus, installs torch=1.13.0 as well. Coffee2 module which is refered in the source code is out in the recent torch version.

Hope this helps you.