AttributeError: module 'minirts' has no attribute 'ContextOptions'
alatyshe opened this issue · 10 comments
Get this error when try to run
Warning: argument ValueMatcher/grad_clip_norm cannot be added. Skipped.
PID: 1952
========== Args ============
Loader: handicap_level=0,players="type=AI_NN,fs=50,args=backup/AI_SIMPLE|start/500|decay/0.99;type=AI_SIMPLE,fs=20",max_tick=30000,shuffle_player=False,num_frames_in_state=1,max_unit_cmd=1,seed=0,actor_only=False,model_no_spatial=False,save_replay_prefix=None,output_file=None,cmd_dumper_prefix=None,gpu=None,use_unit_action=False,disable_time_decay=False,use_prev_units=False,attach_complete_info=False,feature_type="ORIGINAL"
ContextArgs: num_games=1024,batchsize=128,game_multi=None,T=20,eval=False,wait_per_group=False,num_collectors=0,verbose_comm=False,verbose_collector=False,mcts_threads=0,mcts_rollout_per_thread=1,mcts_verbose=False,mcts_save_tree_filename="",mcts_verbose_time=False,mcts_use_prior=False,mcts_pseudo_games=0,mcts_pick_method="most_visited"
MoreLabels: additional_labels="id,last_terminal"
PolicyGradient: entropy_ratio=0.01,grad_clip_norm=None,min_prob=1e-06,ratio_clamp=10,policy_action_nodes="pi,a"
DiscountedReward: discount=0.99
ValueMatcher: grad_clip_norm=None,value_node="V"
Sampler: sample_policy="epsilon-greedy",greedy=False,epsilon=0.0,sample_nodes="pi,a"
ModelLoader: load=None,onload=None,omit_keys=None,arch="ccpccp;-,64,64,64,-"
ModelInterface: opt_method="adam",lr=0.001,adam_eps=0.001
Trainer: freq_update=1
Evaluator: keys_in_reply="V"
Stats: trainer_stats="winrate"
ModelSaver: record_dir="./record",save_prefix="save",save_dir="./",latest_symlink="latest"
SingleProcessRun: num_minibatch=5000,num_episode=10000,tqdm=True
========== End of Args ============
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 21, in <module>
GC = env["game"].initialize()
File "/home/ubuntu/arvi_dima/ELF/rts/engine/", line 144, in initialize
co, GC, params = self._init_gc()
File "/home/ubuntu/arvi_dima/ELF/rts/engine/", line 88, in _init_gc
co = self.module.ContextOptions()
AttributeError: module 'minirts' has no attribute 'ContextOptions'
Can somebody help please with it?
Download miniconda and install.
wget -O $HOME/
/bin/bash $HOME/ -b
$HOME/miniconda3/bin/conda update -y --all python=3
Add the following to ~/.bash_profile (if you haven't already) and source it:
export PATH=$HOME/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
Create a new conda environment and install the necessary packages:
conda create -n elf python=3
source activate elf
If you use cuda 8.0, try conda install pytorch cuda80 -c soumith
conda install pytorch -c soumith
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install msgpack_numpy
conda install tqdm
conda install libgcc
Install cmake >= 3.8 and gcc >= 4.9
This is platform-dependent.
If you use AWS, you can just skip this.
Install tbb
For ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libtbb-dev
For Fedora / CentOS
sudo yum install libtbb-devel
Clone and build the repository:
cd ~
git clone
cd ELF/rts/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$HOME/miniconda3/bin/python -DGAME_DIR=../game_MC
Make sure that python3 is the alias of python
alias python3=$HOME/miniconda3/bin/python
Train the model
sh ./ --gpu 0
At the front was the tutorial I followed, and at the training step, when I ran sh ./ --gpu 0, it came out
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 19, in
env, all_args = load_env(os.environ, trainer=trainer, runner=runner)
File "/home/liu/ELF/rlpytorch/", line 109, in load_env
game = load_module(envs["game"]).Loader()
File "/home/liu/ELF/rlpytorch/", line 18, in load_module
module = import(os.path.basename(mod))
File "./rts/game_MC/", line 7, in
import minirts
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'minirts'.
Have you met this problem or do you know how to solve it?
@alatyshe hey!alatyshe,have you solved this problem? I come up with this same problem. really confused.
nope, i stack on it.
same problem bro @alatyshe , have you find any solutions? It seems that I'm not building the “minirst” module right, all I got is a folder with some cmake stuff in it.
Maybe you used different python version.
Try use the same version of python in these two comment:
conda create -n elf python=3
cmake .. -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$HOME/miniconda3/bin/python
@alatyshe hey, have you solved this problem?I dont know how to do
@huzhanming16 Why not trying Leela.
It seems fb has quit this updating. Still, you can see many "TODO" in the code.
@fantianwen so no one solved it?