
When parsing the trace files the last profiling step is not loaded

Juntao-Wang opened this issue ยท 2 comments

๐Ÿ› Describe the bug

When parsing the trace files, the last profiling step is not loaded. This is related to this line

cpu_kernels = cpu_kernels[cpu_kernels["ts"] < last_profiler_start]

Steps to reproduce

Call analyzer = TraceAnalysis(trace_dir=trace_dir) to load the trace files and notice that the last profiling step is missing in analyzer.t.traces[0]

Expected behavior

The last profiling step should also be loaded and analyzed.


Linux x86_64

Additional Info

No response

Hi Juntao, thank you for reporting the issue. I think it was intentional that the last profiler step is not included because of some traces events in the last profiler step might be cut-off during the trace collection process.

To include the last profiler step, you may introduce an optional argument like include_last_profiler_step into the TraceAnalysis to allow users to switch on and off based on their needs.

Hi Juntao, thank you for reporting the issue. I think it was intentional that the last profiler step is not included because of some traces events in the last profiler step might be cut-off during the trace collection process.

To include the last profiler step, you may introduce an optional argument like include_last_profiler_step into the TraceAnalysis to allow users to switch on and off based on their needs.

Thanks for the explanations and suggestions! The optional argument include_last_profiler_step is added.