
Why use RootNet rather than gt?

Divenirelrn opened this issue · 4 comments

Thanks for your great work! I have one confusion, in this project, label of abs_depth is obtained from rootnet when testing on RHD dataset, and in rootnet project, label of abs_depth is obtained from gt of RHD dataset(z-axis coord). So why not use gt of RHD dataset directly when testing on RHD dataset?

Sorry I can't get it. Could you clarify your question?

Sorry, i didn't clarify my question. I am working on 3D hand pose estimation on RHD dataset, and i don't understand why abs_depth is obtained by RootNet. In this file: https://github.com/facebookresearch/InterHand2.6M/blob/main/data/RHD/dataset.py,between line 78 ~ 84,
, label of abs_depth is obtained from output of RootNet when testing on RHD dataset(line 80), and obtained from GT of RHD when training on RHD dataset(line 84) . Why not obtain label of abs_depth from GT of RHD directly when tesing on RHD, just like training phase?

assuming GT information during the testing stage is not fair.

Ok, I get it. Thank you!