
Assertion error in Node.py update_kids() after increasing batch_size TuRBO-1

CharlyEmpereurmot opened this issue · 0 comments


I am testing LA-MCTS together with TuRBO-1 and found it works well. I tried to increase the batch_size in TuRBO-1 to reduce the time spent on GP fitting. From what I got, the TuRBO paper indicates this is a legit choice for increasing overall computational efficiency without affecting the quality of the results.

To this end, I only modified collect_samples() in MCTS.py to handle the multiple values returned by each TuRBO-1 iteration. Nothing particularly ambiguous here.

And now on rare occasion I get an AssertionError thrown at line 47 in update_kids() in Node.py:

assert self.kids[0].classifier.get_mean() > self.kids[1].classifier.get_mean()

I'm not sure why just yet. And I don't understand why returning more samples from TuRBO-1 could trigger this.

Could you please indicate possible reasons for this?

I believe increasing batch_size in TuRBO-1 is something desirable and could benefit many.

Or am I misunderstanding something in the interplay between LA-MCTS and TuRBO-1?

Thanks for the great algo!