
Question about the value of <test_topk_per_image>

tsrobcvai opened this issue · 1 comments

Thank you for the great work!
In this work, no threshold or NMS was used and only the topK instances with the highest scores were retained. I felt a little confused that what is the value of the hyperparameter <test_topk_per_image>.

def instance_inference(self, mask_cls, mask_pred):
# mask_pred is already processed to have the same shape as original input
image_size = mask_pred.shape[-2:]
# [Q, K]
scores = F.softmax(mask_cls, dim=-1)[:, :-1]
labels = torch.arange(self.sem_seg_head.num_classes, device=self.device).unsqueeze(0).repeat(self.num_queries, 1).flatten(0, 1)
# scores_per_image, topk_indices = scores.flatten(0, 1).topk(self.num_queries, sorted=False)
scores_per_image, topk_indices = scores.flatten(0, 1).topk(self.test_topk_per_image, sorted=False)
labels_per_image = labels[topk_indices]
topk_indices = topk_indices // self.sem_seg_head.num_classes
# mask_pred = mask_pred.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, self.sem_seg_head.num_classes, 1).flatten(0, 1)
mask_pred = mask_pred[topk_indices]
# if this is panoptic segmentation, we only keep the "thing" classes
if self.panoptic_on:
keep = torch.zeros_like(scores_per_image).bool()
for i, lab in enumerate(labels_per_image):
keep[i] = lab in self.metadata.thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id.values()
scores_per_image = scores_per_image[keep]
labels_per_image = labels_per_image[keep]
mask_pred = mask_pred[keep]
result = Instances(image_size)
# mask (before sigmoid)
result.pred_masks = (mask_pred > 0).float()
result.pred_boxes = Boxes(torch.zeros(mask_pred.size(0), 4))
# Uncomment the following to get boxes from masks (this is slow)
# result.pred_boxes = BitMasks(mask_pred > 0).get_bounding_boxes()
# calculate average mask prob
mask_scores_per_image = (mask_pred.sigmoid().flatten(1) * result.pred_masks.flatten(1)).sum(1) / (result.pred_masks.flatten(1).sum(1) + 1e-6)
result.scores = scores_per_image * mask_scores_per_image
result.pred_classes = labels_per_image
return result

My guess is it's set to 100. Because thenum_queries is set to 100 by default. And when I was training a model, I changed num_queries to say 30, and it was throwing an error at that line until I commented out line 352 and used line 351.