
using TorchRay and extremal_perturbation method for custom datasets

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Dear TorchRay team,

Is it possible to use Torchray and especially extremal_perturbation method for the custom data sets?
I didn't find any mentions in the documentation of how it could be used for other datasets not only for the ImageNet. In the extremal_perturbation function as the target could be used only int 0...999. I have tried to go through the source code of the class Perturbation for sources of the ImageNet classes or methods to change it for my classes however I didn't succeed. Could you help me and give an example of the code of how it could be done?

Hi @mrdupadupa, thanks for your question and interest in extremal perturbations.

The reward_func parameter to the extremal_perturbation function handles setting the target class. By default, it uses simple_reward function, which expects an integer target (it's not restricted to be between 0-999 for ImageNet).

If you have a custom model that is similar to an image classifier --- i.e. the output is typically a 2D tensor -- batch x number of classes and the input is typically a 4D tensor -- batch x color channels x height x width), then you don't need to modify the code at all.

Depending on your dataset, you might want to play around with the following parameters to the extremal_perturbation function:

  • step (int; default: 7): the size of a single mask unit in pixels (you might want to decrease step if you're working with fine-grain image data),
  • smooth (int; default: 20): the amount of smoothing applied to an unsmoothed mask unit (if you decrease, the mask units will use less smoothing).
  • areas (list; default: [0.1]): you might want to change / add more areas to the list.

If you want to use a model that has a different kind of output, then you would need to create your own reward function --- this can be done by adapting simple_reward.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

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