
packaging no version

muzi-8 opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for the open-source tools.

Running Environment:python3.5 pytorch1.3.0 torchvision 0.3.0
when running the example code, there is an error:
from packaging import version
ImportError: cannot import name 'version'

@muzi-8 can you post the full error (i.e., where is it being triggered)?

Source code:
Screenshot from 2019-12-03 09-26-32

Error Information:
Screenshot from 2019-12-03 09-26-04

I believe we forgot to include packaging as a requirements (it's typically included with pip).

Try pip install packaging; if that doesn't work it might be your version of pip (see https://gist.github.com/hangtwenty/b9820fe204eebb0cc5b9aba49f3c8b22)

We'll update the requirements to including packaging