File "/transcoder/XLM/src/data/", line 313, in check_data_params assert all([all([os.path.isfile(p) or os.path.isfile(p.replace('pth', '0.pth'))
kchaksuvej opened this issue · 1 comments
Got this error : File "/transcoder/XLM/src/data/", line 313, in check_data_params
assert all([all([os.path.isfile(p) or os.path.isfile(p.replace('pth', '0.pth'))
When run using this command witj --eval_only false.
python XLM/ --n_heads 8 --bt_steps '' --max_vocab 64000 --word_mask_keep_rand '0.8,0.1,0.1' --word_blank 0 --data_path '/home/kit/transcoder/data/XLM-cpp-java-python-with-comments' --save_periodic 0 --bptt 512 --lambda_clm 1 --ae_steps '' --fp16 true --share_inout_emb true --lambda_mlm 1 --sinusoidal_embeddings false --word_shuffle 0 --mlm_steps 'cpp,java,python' --attention_dropout 0 --split_data false --length_penalty 1 --max_epoch 100000 --stopping_criterion '_valid_mlm_ppl,10' --lambda_bt 1 --dump_path '/home/kit/transcoder/output' --lambda_mt 1 --epoch_size 100000 --early_stopping false --gelu_activation false --n_layers 6 --optimizer 'adam_inverse_sqrt,warmup_updates=10000,lr=0.0003,weight_decay=0.01' --validation_metrics _valid_mlm_ppl --eval_bleu false --dropout '0.1' --mt_steps '' --reload_emb '' --batch_size 1 --context_size 0 --word_dropout 0 --reload_model '' --min_count 0 --lgs 'cpp-java-python' --sample_alpha 0 --word_pred '0.15' --amp 2 --max_batch_size 0 --clip_grad_norm 5 --emb_dim 1024 --encoder_only true --beam_size 1 --clm_steps '' --exp_name mlm_cpp_java_python_with_coms --lambda_ae 1 --lg_sampling_factor '-1' --eval_only false
Hi, I encountered similar problems because the program asks for one file in the format of 'train.cpp.pth" but the preprocess pipeline actually generates files like "train.cpp.0.pth" all the way to "train.cpp.7.pth". How did you solve this discrepancy?