
instance-balanced Training config file for Places365

jiequancui opened this issue · 5 comments


is there instance-balanced training config file for Places365 ?

Sorry, it's not included in the current version. But one can easily create one by modifying from ImageNet_LT or iNaturalist. Note that for instance-balanced training on Places365, we only train the last block, which means one should modify the code correspondingly by adding condition here https://github.com/facebookresearch/classifier-balancing/blob/master/run_networks.py#L119.

Big thanks for your reply.

@bingykang I'm wondering how many epochs you're using to train Places-LT. Is it 30 epochs as in OLTR, or 90 epochs as described in your paper?

Note that for instance-balanced training on Places365, we only train the last block, which means one should modify the code correspondingly by adding condition here https://github.com/facebookresearch/classifier-balancing/blob/master/run_networks.py#L119.

In addition, by only train the last block, do you mean in stage 1 (feature training stage) you freeze everything before last BottleNeck or layer4?

Very interesting work. Thank you !