
fairseq package isn't working with python 3.11.8 as it supposed to be.

Opened this issue · 1 comments


I am currently experiencing issues running fairseq version 0.12.2 on Python 3.11.8. Despite fairseq being compatible with Python versions 3.6 and above, I've encountered problems that seem to be specific to Python 3.11.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install fairseq version 0.12.2 on Python 3.11.8.
  2. Run a standard fairseq training command or script.
  3. Observe any errors or unexpected behavior.

Expected Behavior

fairseq should operate without any compatibility issues, allowing for smooth training and execution of models.

Actual Behavior

(Describe the errors or issues encountered, including any error messages or logs)


  • OS: Windows 11 CoreSingleLanguage
  • Python version: 3.11.8
  • fairseq version: 0.12.2

Additional Context

(Include any other relevant information such as modifications to config.py, custom settings, or related dependencies)

Any insights or solutions to address these compatibility issues would be greatly appreciated.

I also experience issues running fairseq on Python 3.11 on Ubuntu. There is an attempt to make some local fixes on fairseq and omegaconf at this link #5191 and #5359 but after spending a day on it, it didn't work on my end.