
Request for Inclusion of Sindhi Language in Multilingual Model for Speech Recognition

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I hope this message finds you well. Firstly, I want to express my sincere gratitude for the incredible work your team have done in developing such an exceptional multilingual speech recognition software. Your dedication to advancing technology while promoting inclusivity and accessibility is truly admirable.

Sindhi, an Indo-Aryan language, is spoken primarily in the Sindh province of Pakistan and parts of India, with a total population of approximately 30 million speakers. It holds cultural significance, serving as a symbol of identity and pride for the Sindhi community worldwide.

Growing demand for multilingual support in technological advancements, including Sindhi would not only cater to the needs of Sindhi-speaking communities but also contribute to the diversity and inclusivity of your model. I will be indebted to your team services if there is any possibility to develop model similar for Sindhi language.
