
No module named 'gsplat'

sillybirrrd opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, thanks for sharing the excellent work! I met a bug when I tried to reproduce the RGCA, it seems like the 'gsplat' module is not provided in the codebase. Could you please provide access to this module?

Please compile the required extensions: https://github.com/facebookresearch/goliath?tab=readme-ov-file#compiling-and-installing-extensions

Yes, I installed all extensions, including mvpraymarch, sgutils and utils, but there is no extension called 'gsplat', is there anything I miss? Thanks in advance!

I forgot to add it to requirements.txt. Now it's updated. You can just install this one

I forgot to add it to requirements.txt. Now it's updated. You can just install this one https://github.com/nerfstudio-project/gsplat

Thanks for your quick response! By the way, it would be better to specify the version of 'gsplat', since its code structure of the latest version is incompatible with this codebase, v0.1.11 works fine for me.