
Calculating Heading angle and votes

hadikoub opened this issue · 1 comments

How to calculate the heading angle of a custom dataset, the labeled GT has rotation on the Z-Axis only with rotation on X, Y-Axis equal to 0; Should the heading angle= -1 * Rotation Z-Axis?

Additionally, how can I verify that the votes I calculated are correct because I noticed when I visualize the Votes for each GT, that they are very far in distance from the GT scene.

Hi, How to calculate the heading angle of a custom dataset, the labeled GT has rotation on the Z-Axis only with rotation on X, Y-Axis equal to 0; Should the heading angle= -1 * Rotation Z-Axis?

Additionally, how can I verify that the votes I calculated are correct because I noticed when I visualize the Votes for each GT, that they are very far in distance from the GT scene.

Here is the visualization of votes and GT scene