
No Menu

Closed this issue · 3 comments

How should this be installed?
I am unable to clone due to work internet access restrictions, so i downloaded the zip.

Unzipping master branch to Data\Packages\ExportHtml, then:
Press: Ctrl-Shift-P
Type: "Export"
The menu is not listed.

Unzipping master branch to Data\Packages\ExportHtml-master, then:
Press: Ctrl-Shift-P
Type: "Export"
The menu is listed.
Choose Export to "HTML: Show Export Menu"
Choose Export to "Browser View: Colour"
Error Log:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\ExportHtml.py", line 211, in execute
File ".\ExportHtml.py", line 727, in run
File ".\ExportHtml.py", line 333, in setup
File ".\ExportHtmlLib\color_scheme_matcher.py", line 34, in init
File ".\plistlib.py", line 75, in readPlist
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\Portable\Sublime Text 2.0.2\Data\Packages\ExportHtml\ColorSchemes\Print-Color.tmTheme'

Unzipping master branch to Data\Packages\ExportHtml AND Data\Packages\ExportHtml-master, then:
It works... but there are duplicate Export menus and it does not default to my active colour scheme.

Maybe because my theme is here:
Data\Packages\VB\Theme\Monokai VB.tmTheme

It should be in ExportHtml not ExportHtml-master. It will never work in ExportHtml-master.

I am not sure if there is something quirky with your setup, but dropping it in Packages\ExportHtml should work fine.

When I get a chance, I will verify in a portable sublime setup that it does in fact work and I will let you know the results.

I will give this a couple about another day to hear a response. If no response, I will close this issue as I cannot help without more info.

With Package Control 2 on Portable Sublime it works, so close.