Typescript Type-Error for Component
digitalkaoz opened this issue · 3 comments
digitalkaoz commented
I know this question might be asked several times, but all issues i looked at didnt provide a working solution:
const Projects = universal(import("../components/Projects"), {
loading: Loading,
error: Failed,
const Home = ({ projects = [] }: PageData) => (
<Projects projects={projects} />
when using the Projects Component, Typescript gives me this error:
ERROR in .../index.tsx(32,8):
TS2322: Type '{ projects: any[]; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & UniversalContext & Partial<UniversalProps> & { children?: ReactNode; }'.
Property 'projects' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & UniversalContext & Partial<UniversalProps> & { children?: ReactNode; }'.
so how to correctly type the final component?
digitalkaoz commented
i think i figured it out:
const Projects = universal(import("../components/Projects"), {
loading: Loading,
error: Failed,
}) as FunctionComponent<ProjectsProps>;
you only have to define the props your component receives elsewhere (not in the same file like the component)
ScriptedAlchemy commented
Yeah you’ve got the function formatted correctly. If you’d like, open a PR with an example of this HOC :)
digitalkaoz commented
Am i reading a little bit of sarcasm? ;) yeah will craft a properly formatted PR for the readme ;)