definePageMeta not work
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Makkalay commented
Not work nexpected character '@'
import { Component, Vue, Setup } from 'vue-facing-decorator'
export default class MyComponent extends Vue {
@Setup(() => definePageMeta({
layout: 'admin',
layout!: never
@Setup(() => ref({
layout: 'admin',
layout!: never
ref return value but definePageMeta not
and plainData[key] = proxyRefs(setupState);
is plainData[key] = proxyRefs(undefined);
if i skip that call on undefined it also not change layout
Makkalay commented
Makkalay commented
Makkalay commented
definePageMeta try to process with ancorn ts code. Vue composables don't do so.
Makkalay commented
Need to tweak nuxt to use ts plugin for acron
nuxt/nuxt#29790 (comment)
and that library to not make undefined waht is returned by definePageMeta (not all composables return value) reactive, for vue-class-component for example
// vue-class-esm-bundler.js
plainData[key] = setupState ? proxyRefs(setupState) : ref(null); // or something else or not add that to plainData at all!?